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Inmo's Pov:

Inmo: I woke up to the feeling of joy, today was my Birthday. I haven't properly celebrated mt Birthday in a long time and I was excited. I ran downstairs, forgetting to eat breakfast. I skipped my way to the guild hall.

Inmo: I calmed myself down before I went inside though because I could explode if I get to excited. I entered the guild hall with a smile on my face, we went through today's meeting like normal then did some training.

Inmo: I came home, exhausted from the training, especially since I haven't eaten anything all day. I collapsed onto the couch and sat there. The guild should know when my birthday is, atleast the guild leaders should.

Inmo: I was hoping to have some kind of normal celebration, I loved training but I was really looking forward to a proper celebration. I sat on my couch, my stomach growling every once in a while. When I heard a knock on the door I didn't answer.

Inmo: After a minute of knocking the person burst through the door. I saw that it was David, he pulled me up from the couch, dragging me outside and towards his garden, ignoring my protests.

Inmo: When we got there I was surprised to see everyone in the guild there. There were tables with food and a large banner that read 'happy birthday Inmo' I gave a large smile at what I assumed was a birthday party.

Inmo: I honestly wasn't expecting gifts or anything like this, my parents were poor so we simply celebrated my birthday with a small cake, a few of the elder's would carve or paint something for me on occasion. It was really all I wanted, nothing to special.

Inmo: I mean I wasn't that special, the only kid my age that liked me was my Cousin but I loved my village despite that.

Inmo: Everyone looked at me, who was awed by what they had done, it wasn't big but it was amazing. The silence was broken when my stomach growled. My face heated up in embarrassment. Kit came over and led me to the food, she gave me cookie and I happily ate it.

Inmo: We went through the night, eating and opening gifts. Kit gave me a cat plushie which I loved. David gave me a rose that was frozen in a way that it would never die. Lucas took me on a little underwater adventure which was incredible. Mario gave me a sparkling emerald.

Inmo: Mrs.P gave me some special tea, she said to only drink it when I felt really sad. The twins gave me a combined gift. It was a tiny little storm cloud in a bottle, it fascinated me. Blake didn't have a gift for me, she apologized so many times, and didn't stop until I said that I didn't expect any gifts to begin with.

Inmo: The gifts were all nice, but my favorite was Plant's. The little boy, or whatever it was, gave me a picture they drew of everyone in divinus magia, including little ghosts of Tapio and the Boss. I loved it so much.

Inmo: This was probably the best day of my life.


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