Spooky Shenanigans(Halloween Special)

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Getting into holiday specials now.

Inmo's POV
I skip into the guild hall as usual. I noticed some differences on the way here. There were a lot of webs around and big, round orange things on the ground. I didn't know what was going on so I came to ask. When I came in I became more confused. Everyone looked different...the first person I saw was Mr. Brandon, he had a black cape on instead of this white one. I looked down at a small white figure coming towards me. "Plant!!" It exclaimed. I blinked. "Is that you Stick- I mean Plant?" I asked, tilting my head and putting my finger to my bottom lip. "Mhm" They hummed in response. I think that means yes. "Oi Omni!" I heard someone call out my name. I looked up to see David, I think. He was green? I looked around at the others. Sir. Ritchie was covered in red stuff and holding a sword. Blake had a pointy hat and a broom. Mario had ears and a tail. Kit has feathers and Devin didn't look any different but he had a basket for some reason. I looked have at David who looked annoyed. "Where's your costume?!" He screamed in question. I blinked. "Costume?" I echoed in question. He groaned. "For the Halloween party you idiot!" He exclaimed. Just then Lucas came into the room, he was wearing a dress? The bottom half kind of reminded me of a fish. "What did Inmo do this time?" He questioned. David sighed. "He's not wearing a costume for the party!" He screamed again. Brandon and Devin came over to us. "Relax David. It's not that big of a deal." Brandon chuckles. "Yeah, he doesn't have to dress up!" Devin contributes. David huffs in defeat, crossing his arms. I blink again. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I admit. The four of them look at me in confusion. "Which part?" Lucas asked for clarity. "All of it. I don't know what a costume is. I don't know why I have to have it. I just came in here to ask you why there are so many webs and big orange things around." I explained. Devin frowns. "Do you not know about Halloween?" He asks. I shake my head. "Never heard of it." I state. David looks at me with a glare. "How have you never heard of one of the most popular holidays?" He questions. I shrug. I honestly don't know myself. I might have heard about it as a child but I don't really remember my childhood. Devin came up to me with a smile. "Well then, we'll just have to teach you all about it!" He declared. Lucas smiled too. "That sounds like a great idea." He agreed. Plant jumped up and down. "Plant learn too!!" They exclaimed. The others eyes light up. "Aww Plant learned a new phrase!" David cried. Plant ran up to David, clinging onto his leg. I giggled, Plant was so adorable. Suddenly I felt a strange weight on my head. I tried to look up to see but I couldn't see anything. Devin giggled. "Oh sorry. I figured since you don't have a costume I'd conjure one up for you. Unfortunately all I could think of was cat ears since you already have a tail." He laughed. I blinked. Interesting...I wonder what else Halloween has fo offer...

-To Be Continued-

I wanted to post something today- so here's part one of the Halloween special.

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