A Dead Friends Birthday.

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A/N: SO It's supposed to be a friend but I'm just gonna do Inmo's village  u-u

Warning: Mentions of death

Inmo's Pov:

Inmo: I was walking through Alantide, going to see the memorial(Like how it is for vipers village) of my village, It was my cousins Birthday. When I arrived there I sat on the ground in front of it, holding make tears.

Inmo: I told them about the guild and everything that happened. By the time I was ready to leave I was in tears. I went back to the guild, we had a meeting today so I went to the guild hall in silence.

Inmo: I didn't speak much during the meeting, it didn't seem like anyone noticed. But a certain sparky guild leader noticed.

Inmo: When everyone was dismissed, everyone left except for myself and Richie. I sat there , staring at my hands in silence. Until I heard my name, I looked up to see Richie in front of me, a worried expression on his face.

Richie: "Is everything ok, you seem sad."

Inmo: "Today is my cousin's Birthday..." He looked at me, a bit confused.

Richie: "Than, why are you sad?"

Inmo".....Their dead, along with the rest of my village...." I said, tears falling down my face. I felt a hand wipe the tears away. I looked up to see Richie beside me. He gave me a small smile before picking me up Bridal style.

Inmo: He carried me to my house and up to my room. He sat me in my bed and put the blankets over me. I melting into the comfort, but when Richie was about to leave I grabbed his hand, not wanting to be alone.

Inmo: He looked at me and smiled, sitting beside me, lightly petting me as I fell asleep.


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