Secretly Smart(Au)

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Idea suggested by: Ryutodark

Timeline is probably fucked up.

Inmo's POV
"Inmo you idiot!!" Someone yelled. "You can't do anything right!" Another person added. Someone scoffed. "Just get out of this guild."

I opened my eyes. Was that...a nightmare? I don't get those often. Usually it's about my village but this was about the guild. I'm not surprised I guess, it was bound to get to me eventually. The endless teasing, sometimes bordering bullying. It's mostly David, although he's the same with everyone so it doesn't bother me that much. I just...don't let my emotions out much. I should probably do that more often, bottling them up like I do is unhealthy. Then again, when have I ever held any regard for my own health and safety? Eh, whatever, I'll just go let out my frustration on some monsters. I mean, despite us not getting quests here I could probably find some village with a monster problem. I don't really need an award for doing it.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot how different things have been since Mr. Brandon disappeared. Sir. Ritchie is drunk off his ass, what an idiot. Lucas and David have disappeared somewhere. Kit spends her time doing all of the paperwork with Tapio helping out sometimes, although he can't do much with his little cat paws. I've offered to help too but she doesn't trust me with it. Mario has been doing work for the protectors to pay off the debt that Ritchie has accumulated. Usually we could pay it off with ease but like I mentioned earlier, we haven't been getting jobs. This guild has gone to shit.

One, two, six, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. Alright, that's fifty monsters slain, just as the village asked, I think. I've been working on my counting lately. The village threw in a few thousand jewels for the help, I'll have to give that to someone at the guild later. It might help with the debt, even if it only makes a small dent.

I stood, shocked and worried. Ritchie...he killed Tapio. Kit was in tears, Ritchie stepped back, eyes wide before blinking away. I don't know who's side to be on. Ritchie killed someone, not that it's a first. He wasn't in a right state of mind, plenty of people make mistakes when they're drunk. But this...this was a life, a life of a guild member no less. Damn it Ritchie, you're such an idiot.

He apologized, well, that's good. That means he understands what he did wrong and feels bad about it. I doubt Kit will forgive him, at least not anytime soon. And there will likely be distrust but eventually, everyone will forgive but no one will forget. I forgive Ritchie. I mean, I killed my whole family because of a burst of emotion. Not just my family but my entire village. I understand completely.

Brandon's alive, that's good. But he's been taken over by his devil. Full-devils are usually like that. They have a much harder time feeling positive emotions like humans do. I'm only half-human so I also have trouble with emotions. Emotions are...a nuisance. They just get in the way most of the time but they're also nice to have around. Weird.

This place...reeks of decay. I also pick up a familiar scent. I remember this scent, it's a bit different but it's defiantly their scent. It's my brothers scent. I sighed, making sure to stay with Micheal and Mario. We could be ambushed at a moments notice.

Welp, mission failed. I looked up at the statue. I'm glad they renovated the island. "Oh Boss...why'd you have to sacrifice yourself? Would it really have been such a problem for the rifts to remain open that you were willing to die to close them?" I questioned. I know he won't answer but still. I'm curious of his reasoning. Is it just what humans do? It sounds stupid to me, sacrificing your own life for others. Honestly, the only harm the rifts brought was kidnapping a few people and no one ever found out what happened to those people. They could be alive and well in the midnight. Actually, with that logic, is it possible that Boss managed to survive somehow? He kind of blew up the portal with a lot of magic so it's unlikely he survived the blast itself. Then again, with his Viking magic he was able to resist lots of attacks. So, it doesn't really matter. We can no longer access the midnight and even if we could, we don't know the dangers of the world or how big it is. If boss is there, he could be anywhere there. If I recall, Sir. Ritchie and that Silver guy from the wandering coins went into the rifts once but that wasn't for very long so I doubt that found much. Oh well.

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