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Idea suggested by: bronxdale39

Rewatching Inmo's POV of Ooo for the first time in a while and remembering that he was actually kind of rude and I don't even know the words to describe him but he constantly thought of everyone else as weak and such. He definitely wasn't the nicest, you just wouldn't know it if you didn't watch his POV because he doesn't talk out loud much.

-anime spoilers-

This will follow the same logic as the anime with Lisanna being sent to Edolas when she was in the brink of death to replace the Edolas lisanna. Same concept, different people.

Inmo's POV
I looked up at the moon. It kind of reminded me of him, my killer. He was so kind and gentle from what I knew. I feel bad for him, he didn't deserve what he got. I'm sure he'd be happy to know that I'm still alive.

In another world.

I skipped along the beach, I've been here for a few years now. When I came here it was strange, I didn't have any of my possessions from my own world and I was afflicted by some kind of curse. At least I had received magic from this curse which means I can defend myself here. I'm so much stronger then I was before, and braver too. I'm not really sure how that happened. I just felt a surge in courage but also a drop in intelligence,
more so in the sense of math, reading, and sometimes in common sense. Perhaps it was the curse. I'm not really sure what the curse is all about but I know it changed my eyes, my hair, and gave me a tail. I'd say I don't stick out but I stick out more then I ever would before. I don't mind. Normally I would hide away and avoid people but I can't bring myself to do so.

I looked around the island. I also experienced an increase in my senses. I picked up a strange smell and it led me to this island. Swimming across the ocean was not fun. I shake the water off again. At least it's summer so the sun should help dry me off. Being soaked is not fun. I sighed, walking forward. I guess I should check this place out.

I hummed, staring at a door. I can hear voices inside. Should I knock and ask where I am? That seems like a good idea. I think...I go to knock when the door is flung open. A pirate-looking guy stood in the door way, wide-eyed. I smiled. "Hi!!" I shout. He takes a step back. "Uh...who are you?" He asks. I peek into the room to see several people looking my way. "I'm Inmo!!" I introduce, stepping inside. A blue-haired man stood up. "What are you doing at our guild?" He asked. I blinked. He sounded familiar. "Guild? Is that what this place is?" I question. A black-haired guy with an exposed chest groaned. "How are you on our island if you don't even know who we are?" He questioned. I shrugged. "I don't know, I just swam here." I replied. You know, I once heard of a camper who swam all the way to the camp. Anyways, a taller, white-haired guy stepped up. "As a guild we're known as Divinus Magia. My name is Brandon, co-leader of the guild. And this is my brother and fellow leader, Ritchie." He introduced, gesturing to the blue-haired guy. Ritchie...like my brother? Actually, come to think of it, everyone here so far sound's familiar...so then, there are people in this world similar to my world? It seems that way. I smile. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Brandon and Sir. Ritchie..."

How did I end up joining this guild? I'll never know. They seem nice though...and I kind of feel comforted by the fact that they sound like people I know. Boss is nice, he's a Viking but I keep calling him a Pirate for some reason. It's like I can't control what I say sometimes. It must be a part of the curse. I'm curious to see what will happen. I'm staying with David...I'm a little uncomfortable though. It's just...he keeps taking his clothes off and if I live with him that just means I'll see him more often...with his clothes off. Eh, at least I have a place to stay, it's a small price to pay.

This guild is so much fun. The grand magic games is interesting to say the least and training with Boss went well. I think...I really like this place. I miss my friends back home. My brothers, Banjo and Whistle. On the bright side, Sir. Ritchie is pretty similar to my Ritchie so it's kind of like I have my brother again. I've met a few others that remind me of people back home. The Protectors guild is staying here for a bit. There's Kay who sounds like Miss. KayKrae, they also have similar names. I'm pretty sure this worlds Jakey is the counterpart to my worlds Jakey, I mean, they literally have the same name. Bryan is well, Bryan. And I'm not really sure but the cat reminds me of Xylo for some reason. I mean, they don't have similar names and their voices definitely don't sound the same. I guess their personality's are similar with their warrior vibe. Eh, anyways. I find it kind of strange that almost if not everyone I've encountered so far is a counterpart of someone I knew before. I mean, just because this world has alternate versions of people from my world doesn't mean that I would necessarily run into them. Yet I've run into several. Weird.

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