Left Behind Pt:4

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Listening to the song Burnt Rice on loop while writing this. Not kidding.

Lucas' POV
I walked in to Ritchie's office without even knocking. I didn't really care for manners right now. "Ritchie!" I shouted. He looked up from a paper on his desk in confusion. "Lucas?" He asked. I threw the bottle at him, hitting him in the head with it. He yelped as the bottle fell into his hand after impact. He brought his free hand up to his face, squinting. "What was that for?!" He asked in a yell. "A: I'm still mad at you. B: I found that in Inmo's room with a bunch of other's." I explained, gesturing to the bottle in his hand. He looked down at said bottle, looking closely at the writing on it. "Happy Pills?" He asked. "Why was this is his room.?" He asked, being an idiot. I rolled my eyes. "Are you dense?! He probably takes them." I said annoyed with Ritchie. He made an 'oh' face. "But why?" He asked. Okay, now I was starting to think he was messing with me. I didn't think he could be this stupid. "You idiot! Put two and two together!" I yelled at him, furious that I ever respected someone as dense as him. He thought about it. "So...he takes these pills to be happy...is he out or something?" He asked. I let out an exasperated sigh. Did he hit his head or something or was he actually this stupid. "Yes! And just so you know, that's why he was acting the way he was before You decided to kick him out of the guild. Or at least that's part of the reason." I explained. I was fed up with Ritchie today. First he kicked Inmo out for the way he was acting instead of trying to figure out why he was acting like that, although that wasn't much of a surprise, he's probably still on edge because of the situation with Brandon. But he was being stupider than usual. I didn't really care why.

Jupiter's POV
I smirked to myself as I waited for the last of the members to make their way to the meeting room. I imagine Divinus Magia is having a fun time with Ritchie right now. Why? Oh. Well you see...I put a sort of spell on him. It wasn't much. Made him a little dense and stupider. But it would be enough to cause a problem for them. I wonder if they've even noticed. Oh well. I looked up as the four, Mori, Monti, Biblico and of course Inmo entered the room. Mori, Monti, and Biblico took their normal seats while Inmo just stood there, not making any move to sit down. I decided to just leave him there and start he meeting. "Hello everyone, as you all know we have a new member joining us today." I started. They all stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue. "I would like you to introduce yourself' show you see fit, he will introduce himself as well." I said, looking at Inmo. It was difficult to read him, he had a good poker face. (It was at this moment that I switched from Burnt Rice to Poker Face.) "Well he already knows me and Montavious as well as Mori." Biblico said. I nodded. "I guess I'll go first." Celeste said, clearly just wanting to get this over with. I nodded. "Right...I'm Celeste. I'm a Celestial Wizard." She said. I looked over to Zaine who was next to her, figuring he would go next. "Oh. I'm Zaine, I use earth magic." He said. "We also have another member, Cassidaya, she uses heavenly body magic(Is that what it's called? I keep forgetting what it's called.) but she's not here right now." I explained to Inmo. He nodded. "Well I'm Inmo, I use Combustion Magic." He introduced himself. I smiled. "Good. Now that that's over and felt with. Let's discuss plans..." I said, trailing off at the end for dramatic effect.

Inmo's POV
After returning to my room I sat in my little corner again. I liked it, it was nice. Even though it was literally just an empty corner. I enjoyed it. I was used to not having anything at all. After I...destroyed my own village...I roamed the world, staying in trees and having to steal little bits of food. I also couldn't control my magic back then, so I always ended up blowing up the billiards I traveled through on accident. That's how I became and S-ranked quest. I imagine the guild leaders were quite disappointed when they learned that someone with an S-class bounty on their head turned out to be some idiot who couldn't control his magic. I mean, it wasn't my fault I couldn't control it, it was because of my curse, even now my magic is still unstable. It was an annoying curse. I sighed. Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath. These place seems much quieter than the Divinus Magia island. It was nice, peaceful. I wonder it Boss would have approved of what I was doing. Probably not, but Ritchie did kick me out of the guild, and it only made sense for me to go to my only loving family. And Mori did come to me. It's not like I want revenge or anything, that would be stupid. But I don't like them either, never have, and I'll end up fighting them as long as I'm with Devil's Tongue. I don't mind at all...

-To Be Continued-

Don't worry. This won't be as long as my yugioh wars one story is, if you've read that book.

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