Devil's Tail Spinoff

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Amycatlovely  really wanted this. And more apologies for taking so long.

Inmo's POV
How long has it been? A few months? Maybe a year. Honestly. It's hard to keep track of time when you're in hell. I mean. I visit earth every once in a while. Since most of my friends went back there. The only ones that stay here with me are...

"Dear, which coat should I wear today?" I blinked at the two coats he held up. Both of them looked exactly the same as the other. I sighed in frustration. This isn't the first time he's done this either. I don't know if he's pulling my leg or being serious. "Uh...The right one?" He smiled, putting the one in his left hand down and slipping on the chosen coat. "Um. Brandon..." he looked up. "What is it?" He questioned. "You do realize they're the same coat, right?" I asked. He pouted, a light blush on his face. "Well of course I do!" He cries. I snort. "Then why ask me when I go doesn't matter?" I questioned. He Huffed. "Because...I want you to know that your opinion matters!" He exclaims. I shuddered. So this is what having a significant other is truly like. I sigh. "Very well. But next time don't ask me about my opinion on things that don't matter." I command. He nods in agreement. "Of course dear!" He agrees. I smile, crossing my arms. "Good. Now we must be going. Brandeen's waiting for us." I urge.

Their cloud like hair bounced in the wind. The wind created by the portal in front of us. The swirling blur of blue and green was all I could make out of what lye beyond it. This portal that would take the three of us to earth. The two, Brandeen and Brandon in front of me with smiles on their faces. One calm and mischievous. Though they share many similarities these two are very different from one another. But they both have an equal place within my heart. "Now than. Shall we go?" Brandon questions, reaching out his hand. I nod,reaching out to take it.

Oh how I missed the warmth of the sun on my skin. Although the underworld was always quite warm it never provided the same feeling as the sun did. This warm and comforting feeling. Like a sweet embrace. I grin as I take it all in. The chirps of all the little birds. The whoosh of the wind in my ears. The smell of wet grass. Had it rained recently? I laugh sounds from behind me. I turn to see Brandeen and Brandon, adoring expressions on their faces. Brandeen comes up to me. He looks down at me, towering over me. "Sorry to interrupt your moment dear." He apologized. "But we have somewhere to be." I blinked. Oh yeah. I had forgotten. The reason we came here was to meet up with the guild. Basically a family reunion of sorts. "Oh yeah." I respond.

Although I'm a little sad that I had to leave the beautiful field we had arrived at. I was excited to see the guild again.

"Inmo!!!" Lucas squeals, practically flying into me. I yelp, keeping myself steady so I don't fall. I hadn't even stepped foot on the island when he came running at us, the others not far behind. The second to reach us was Ritchie. He collided with Brandon. Then Rian came and tackled Brandeen to the the ground. The old wood of the dock squeaked and groaned under our combined weight. I laugh. This wasn't surprising at all. After all, the three of us had wanted to do this. Sadly they beat us to the punch.

After several hours of catching up and drinking. Myself, Brandon, and Brandeen went to our room that was set up for us. We took the time to cuddle with each other. We joked some and ended up staying up till early in the morning.

The two trudged behind me. Exhausted even after they slept. As a half Devil I don't get tired as easily so I was perfectly fine. I hum.

It's been a week. We were all crowded on the dock. Lucas, Ritchie, and Rian stood there. They were sad to see us go. But we have responsibilities in the underworld so we can't stay. "Bye..." Lucas chokes. "Yeah bye." The others echo. I smiled. "Don't worry. Before you know it we'll be back again." I ensure them. They nod.

I sigh. Back in the two lovers by my side. I know. I have a happy ending.

-The End-

TvT do I didn't know what else to actually put here. And it ended up shorter than I intended. I hope you enjoyed.

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