The True Ships

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The totally canon Inmo ships.

Inmo's POV
I sat on the floor, surrounded by my five coins. I counted them over and over again. I like counting, it makes me feel smart. I like my coins too. I only have five but they're so shiny. The way they sparkle in the light. I don't understand why everyone keeps trying to tell me that I have more than five coins. They should really learn how to count.

I looked at the empty mug in front of me. I sighed, slumping against a tree. I was out in the forest. I didn't bring enough beer with me. I groaned, throwing my head back, only to come into contact with the tree. I yelped in pain, moving my hands behind my head, thinking it would help. It didn't. I groaned, falling forward to the ground. I'm to tired to go back to the island. Might as well sleep here tonight.

I took in a sharp breath, gathering energy in preparation for my next attack. The targets in front of my remained although singed from my explosions. I smiled. There's nothing like the excitement of a good training session to get you going. Every day I do the training routines Boss had me do, along with my own training if I can handle it. I have to become stronger. I have to me strong like Boss. I have to honor his name. So I'll keep on training until I make S class. No, Ss class.

-The End-

So the ships were
Inmo x Money
Inmo x Beer (Divinus x Beer- Lol)
Inmo x Training

Sorry if I missed any other things. I'd go back through his episodes but I believe Inmo has deleted all of this videos as they are no longer on his channel. TvT

Sad moments.

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