Spooky Shenanigans Pt:2

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Inmo's POV
Ding Dong.
That was the sound that came from the house after Mr. Brandon pressed a button. They were taking me out to do something called 'trick or treating' after this were going to a party with the other guilds. The door clicked open and someone with blue hair came out. I've seen him before, but I can't remember where. He smiled. "H-Hi there. A-are you here f-for the candy?" He asked. Plant jumped up and down. "Plant!!" They yelled. The boy laughed before going back inside. He soon returned with a bowl full of colorful things. Plant jumped up and grabbed one. Then they ran over and placed it in the bag that David was holding. I perked up as everyone started grabbing one and putting in their bags. It was down to me now. They hit held the bowl out to me. I grabbed one. I held it up to examine it. I've never seen anything like this before. "That's candy." Devin suddenly stated. I jumped up a bit, looking at him. "What does that mean?" I asked. He chuckled. "Their little things wrapped in plastic that you unwrap and then eat. There's lots of different kinds and flavors too." He explained. My eyes widened. "That sounds so cool!!" I exclaimed. I could feel my tail wagging behind me. Mr. Brandon laughed. "Well then, let's get you some more." He stated.

I smiled happily, we got so much candy. They gave me a bag so I could carry it all, it was a little heavy from all the candy but nothing a strong Viking such as myself can't handle. Now we're going to the party I think. I could hear loud music and we weren't even that close.

We finally reached the grand area where we had the Gmg party, well, I missed that party this year but that's not important right now. I could hear voices as I entered the spacious room. It was 'decorated', as Lucas told me it was called, just like the guild island. Apparently people also put up these 'decorations' to represent Halloween. I find it quite interesting. Sir. Ritchie and Pebble Brian's came up to us. "What took you guys so long?" Sir. Ritchie questioned. Devin chuckled lightly. "Oh, we made a few more stops than originally planned but it worked out in the end." He explained. David walked past Pebble Brains, bumping his shoulder. "Hey! Watch it!" Pebble Brains exclaimed. David huffed. "If you don't want to get pushed then you shouldn't be in my way." He stated. Ritchie sighed. "Now now lady's, you're both pretty." He told them. Lucas snickered. David shot a glare at him before walking off, Plant running after him. I looked around. This looks like fun.

I smiled with joy, then I frowned. I had so much fun here, they had this game where you had to stick your head in a pool of water with apples in it and you have to get an apple in your mouth without using your hands. I didn't get any apples but it was fun to try and to watch other people try. Plus it was kind of like training in a way. They had a few other games as well. And I got to see lots of costumes too. Devin taught me the names of each one a saw. There were Vampires and Werewolf's and Zombies. There was a clown, a princess, a mad hatter, and a pirate. So many cool outfits. I was apparently dressed as a meifwa. Devin was dressed as little red riding hood, she's a character from a book. Lucas was dressed as a mermaid, Blake was a witch, and Kit was a Phoenix. I enjoyed my time here, but unfortunately, it's time to go. I looked at what was left of the party one last time before walking away with everyone else. "Did you have fun?" Devin asked. I smiled. "Yep, I've never had more fun in my life!" I exclaimed. He smiled. "That's great! I'm glad I'm you had fun!" He exclaimed.

I'm glad too.

-The End-

Devin got a significant part this time :D idk why I hardly ever use Devin, he's one of my fav characters.

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