Left Behind Pt: 2

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Inmo's POV
I sat against the wall of the cell, away from Ritchie. It's been a couple of days since being put in here. Jupiter hasn't visited us. No one has. I've had time to think over my question. I decided I would return. Purely because I don't want to be alone. Being bullied is better than being alone in my opinion. I looked over to Ritchie who was thinking to himself in the corner. Suddenly I heard a loud explosion. Ritchie looked up. The sound of rapid footsteps caught my attention. Within seconds David was in front of the door, busting down the door to the cell. He looked at Ritchie with relief. Then he looked at me, expression turning to a confused one. "Inmo? Why are you here?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Because you guys left me here, idiot." I said, annoyed. Yet completely unsurprised that they didn't even realize they left me here. David was even more confused now. Ritchie sighed. "Let's just go. We'll talk about this later." He said, pushing past David.

We were back. We didn't save Brandon, figuring it would be best to come up with a better plan since the last one failed. I was just sitting in he garden, looking at Bosses statue. I missed him. He was the only person who I felt actually cared about me. And now he's gone. Because I wasn't strong enough...suddenly I became aware of the sound of footsteps and voices. They came closer and closer until they stopped, everything went quite. I sighed, turning to see Ritchie, David, and Lucas. I immediately turned away from them. I wasn't in the mood to talk to them. "Inmo?" Lucas' voice sounded. I groaned. "Can you just leave me the hell alone." I asked. Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. I immediately slapped it away. Lucas yelped, having been the one that dared to touch me. I growled. David huffed. "Hey bro! You need to relax!" He exclaimed. "I asked you to leave me alone." I mumbled. "Inmo, you need to stop acting like this." Ritchie said. "No, I don't." I retorted. "Would you like to be kicked out of the guild then?!" He threatened. I smiled. "Go ahead, I don't care." I said. "Fine than! You're out!" He yelled. I knew this would happen eventually. I got up calmly. I didn't really have very many belongings, so I didn't have anything to pack. I could just leave. I walked past the three. Ritchie was mad, David looked to be a mix of annoyed and concerned, and Lucas looked really concerned. So basically normal behavior for them. I walked away without a second thought.

Lucas' POV
"Was that really necessary?!" I yelled at Ritchie. Inmo was gone now because of him. "What did you expect me to do?!" He yelled right back. "Oh I don't know? Maybe try to understand Why he was acting like that?!" I responded in a yell. "Both of you Shut It!" David yelled. I flinched back. So did Ritchie. David sighed. "Fighting won't solve anything. Let's just take a bit to cool down and go from there." He said calmly. Wow, David being the sensible one for once. I nodded. "Yeah...Sorry." I apologized to Ritchie. He sighed. "Fine...and I'm sorry too." He said.

Inmo's POV
I hung from the tree branch with my tail. I was bored, and alone. Maybe leaving wasn't such a good idea. I groaned. "This is so boring!" I exclaimed. "You can say that again." I voice chimed. I looked up, above me was a figure on another branch higher up. I recognized the figure. It was my brother, Momo. Er, well, they go by Mori now. "Oh hey bro. What are you doing here." I asked. I couldn't tell what their expression was as they had a mask on that showed limited expressions. "Well, I was watching you. That was quite the drama there." They said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, what do you want?" I asked. They sighed. "I wanted to offer you a place in Devil's Tongue." They said. I glared. "You mean join the one that locked me up?" I asked sarcastically. They nodded. I sighed. "Sure I guess, not like I have anything better to do." I said.

-To Be Continued-

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