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So I did another birthday one before but this one's different.

Inmo's POV
I sipped on my beer. We were in another meeting. I wasn't really paying attention to what was being said. Suddenly, David burst into the room. I looked up. Everyone looked at him. He had a large grin on his face. "GUYS!! GUESS WHAT!!" He yelled excitedly. I blinked. I don't think he's usually like this. Is he? Lucas sighed. "What is it David?" He asked. David's smile widened. "MY BIRTHDAY IS IN TWO WEEKS!!" He yelled in response. I blinked. I didn't know what that was. 'Birthday' I mean. Lucas hummed, eyes widening slightly. Kit gasped. Mario rolled his eyes. Blake smiled. Ritchie and Brandon perked up. "That's cool." Brandon said. "Cool?! It's beyond cool!" Kit exclaimed. "We need to start planning!" Blake said, almost has excitedly as Kit. I looked at them. I didn't understand why they were so excited. "That's cool man." Lucas said. He didn't seem excited like the girls. David looked at him like he had done something wrong. "What's wrong bro?! You don't like the fact that I have a birthday?!" He asked. I blinked. "'s not that." Lucas said. Brandon sighed. "What are you hiding?" He asked sternly. Lucas hummed. "It's not exactly a secret...I just haven't celebrated my birthday before." He said. I blinked. So a Birthday is a celebration? David and the girls looked at him in shock. "Why not?!" Blake questioned. He frowned. "Well, I guess the main reason is the fact that I don't know when my birthday is..." He said. David gasped. "How could you not know your own birthday?!" He asked. I blinked. Lucas sighed. "I don't remember much from my childhood before I met Nesso. Including my birthday." He explained. I tilted my head. Did everyone have a birthday? Or is it just some people? Kit and Blake frowned. "That's so sad." Kit said. David scoffed. "So. Why don't you just choose a date to call your birthday?" He asked. Lucas blinked. "I never actually thought of that..." He said, trailing off. David smiled. "Well in that case...I here by declare that we shall share the birthday!" David exclaimed, talking a little funny. Ritchie coughed. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Sharing a birthday with someone can be difficult." Ritchie said. David huffed. "It'll be fine! We're bros!" David said. I blinked once again.

Today was the day. David and Lucas' shared 'Birthday'. I still didn't have much clue as to what a birthday was. I sat at the table. The guild hall looked a little different today...I think. Was there always a rainbow thingy covering the table? There was also a cake in the middle of the table. As well as lots of colorful box's. Speaking of the cake. It has candles in it. Why does it have candles in it? Is it a candle cake? Everyone in the guild was here, all with cones on their head. Except for me. Mostly because I couldn't get it on. I didn't quite understand it. Is this what a birthday is? It seems less exciting then they made it sound. I blinked, having not been paying attention. I jumped when everyone started singing all of a sudden. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Lucas and David. Happy birthday to you." They sang in unison. I blinked. Now I was very confused.

Everyone had eaten their cake. I was given a piece but I didn't eat it. I didn't trust this candle cake. I just stared at it. I wasn't really paying any attention to the people around me. I was just searching through my memories. Trying to find an explanation for what exactly a birthday was. I still couldn't find a solid answer. It was confusing. I jumped when I felt a pressure on my shoulder. I looked up to see Mr. Brandon. I blinked. "Oh. Hi
Mr. Brandon..." I said. He looked at me in a weird way that I can't quite describe. "Inmo. Are you okay? You've been staring at that cake for an hour..." He said. I blinked. "Oh yeah..." I mumbled. "I'm just trying to figure out what exactly a Birthday is!" I exclaimed. He blinked. His expression changed to one of surprise. "You don't know what a Birthday is?!" He asked. I nodded. "I think I've learned bits and pieces from this...but it's really weird." I said. He frowned. "Well...a Birthday is a day of the year that takes place on the same day of the year as the day of your birth was.." He started. I blinked. "We celebrate by throwing a party and giving you presents and cake or a different food if you prefer. Although it's usually cake." He explained. I smiled. "Wow Mr. Brandon! You're really smart!" I exclaimed. I admired Mr. Brandon. He was so smart and cool. Not to mention strong. I looked up to him almost as much as I did Boss. Of course no one is better than Boss. Not even Mr. Brandon. I felt the movement of my tail wagging behind him. Brandon chuckled. "Ah. Thanks but, I'm not that smart. It's common knowledge." He said. That didn't faze me. I stared at him, my tail wagging behind me like crazy. I had completely forgotten about the Birthday thing.
Mr. Brandon's eyes followed my tail. "Um. Inmo. Why is your tail wagging?" He asked. I blinked, my smile dropping. Realization hit me. My tail was wagging in front of others. My face became red as I quickly reached behind me to grab my tail to stop it. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I exclaimed. I know it's weird but I feel really embarrassed when my tail wags in public. It wags when I'm really happy. Which surprisingly isn't that often. Mr. Brandon chuckled. "But I just say it. You're even holding it to keep it from wagging." Mr. Brandon stated in a light hearted tone. I frowned. "Oh. Yeah..." I don't know why but I got all sad all of a sudden. Mr. Brandon blinked, frowning a bit. "What's wrong Inmo?" He asked in concern. " guess I just...don't like it when people do that for some reason." I said. His frown deepened. "What did I do to upset you?" He asked. "You...laughed at me." I said. He blinked. "I-I know it sounds really stupid." I said. He sighed. "No. It's not stupid." He said. I looked up at him. He had a smile on his face. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "You're you. If it makes you uncomfortable than I will stop." He said. I smiled. "Thanks Mr. Brandon..." I thanked him.

And that's the story of how I learned what a Birthday was and how I forged a bigger bond between myself and
Mr. Brandon. It was nice. I still believe that Boss will always be the best. But it's nice to have someone I'm close to. I haven't had that since Boss sacrificed himself.

-The End-


This turned out differently than I originally intended.

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