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Requested by: Kistune39

Jupiter's POV
Everyone has left to do their own things now...I'm thinking about what we said during the meeting. We mentioned Inmo...he's a half-Devil, not something you see every day. His magic is very...destructive. He'd make a useful tool...perhaps I could look into getting him under my control. It wouldn't be too hard. He's dumb enough to do as I say.

So they finally figured it bad they stand no chance at getting Brandon back. On another note this is my chance to capture him. I hum, walking towards where I sensed him. When I reached the area I spotted him, Mario and Micheal were also there but they were in front of him and not paying attention. I moved swiftly, coming behind him and place my hand over his mouth. He tenses, looking up at me, then he relaxes. Well at least he's not struggling. I snap my fingers and we appear in a different room. I release him. He turns to me. "Hi Mr. Brandon!" He greets. I hum. He's not even worried by the fact that I just kidnapped him. "Sorry to disappoint but I'm not Brandon." I say. He tilts his head. "What do you mean? You look like Mr. Brandon and you smell like him." He says. I hum. "Well, I'm not him. You can call me Master Jupiter." I say. He blinks before nodding. "Okay Master Jupiter!" He agrees. I can't help but laugh.

"Alright Inmo...allow me to explain why I'm here." I said. He hums. "I'm here to offer you a place in my guild." He blinks. "But...I'm already part of a guild." He said. I shake my head. "That may be true but think about it. You don't belong in that guild. Nobody likes you...they're just holding you back." I said. A frown formed on his face. "Really?" He questioned. I nodded. "Yeah, don't you remember? They're always so mean to you..." I said. He hummed. "I guess...they're kind of mean." He mumbles. A smirk plays on my lips. "That's a good, lets get you situated." I say.

Lucas' POV
I look around the group, Micheal's already said that Ritchie won't be joining us but there's someone else missing...Inmo. "Hey! Has anyone seen Inmo?!" I questioned the group. Mario and Micheal looked at each other. I shoot a glare at them. "You two were with him." I stated. Mario sighed. "I guess we forgot about him." He said. That just made me angry. "What do you mean you guess?! You left one of our friends behind!!" I shouted. He flinched. Micheal sighed. "I apologize but we can't go back for him. Jupiter is far to dangerous. We can only hope he'll make it out safely." He said. I took in a breath. I may be mad but Micheal has a point. There's nothing we can do.

Jupiter's POV
As I exit the prison I felt someone crash into me. I looked down to see Inmo in his new outfit. I wasn't too much different from my own, his was more blue then purple. I hummed as I spotted the guild mark on his hand. That was also changed. "Hello Inmo, can I help you?" I question. He smiles. "When can I meet the other's?" He questions. I hum. "I suppose I can hold a meeting soon, give you a chance to properly meet everyone." I say. He grins. "Yay!!" He exclaims.

I have Ritchie trapped in a cell and Inmo's following me without question. I swear he's almost like a pet.

-To Be Continued-

Head still empty

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