A Repeat of Past Events

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Inmo's POV
I walk into the dining hall. Brandon didn't come by to see me and deliver breakfast today like he usually does. So I came to get myself food. I blinked at what I saw. Brandon was passed out in a chair. Mugs scattered the table and ground. I went over to him. Is this why he didn't visit me? 'Wake him up.' The voice commands. I hum, grabbing his shoulder I shake him a bit. His eyes jolt open. He turned to me, eyes alert but also distant. "Inmo...?" He questioned, his voice scratchy. I blinked. "Mr. Brandon. Are you okay?" I ask. He started laughing, confusing me. "I'm perfectly...fine..." He slurred. I hum. "Oh okay. I'll leave you be than."

David's POV(Surprise mother flippers)
It's been a tense week. Brandon seemed fine before. Then one day he just started drinking constantly. He's making the same mistake Ritchie did. I'm afraid if we don't solve this soon we'll get the same outcome as with Ritchie. I had a pretty good idea of what or rather who may have triggered this. Brandon always muttered one name over and over again. Inmo. My guess is Inmo said something stupid to him that set him off. Apparently he's sick so he's been staying in the infirmary. I don't really know what's going on with that. But the important thing is what he did or said to Brandon.

I burst into the infirmary, Inmo jumped. I stomped over to him, he watched me with a confused expression. I stopped. "What did you do to Brandon?!" I asked, getting straight to the point. He blinked. "What do you mean?" He asks. "What did you do to upset him?" I growled. He continued to look at me as if I was talking complete nonsense. "What do you mean? Last time I talked to him he said he was fine." He claimed. My eyes narrowed. I don't know if he's lying, doesn't remember, or was just dumb enough to believe that. "Well he's not and it's your fault." I snapped.

Inmo's POV
I started fiddling with my clothes. Brandon was upset because of me? But what did I do? 'You're such an idiot. You probably said something mean to him and forgot.' The voice accused. I winced. David huffed. "At leash try to help me out. The longer he's like this the more likely he is to get as bad as Ritchie was." He explains. My eyes widened, thinking back to when Ritchie was drunk. He was mean to me. Would Brandon be like that too? "Okay...I'll help..."

-To Be Continued-


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