Uppermoon 1 Pt: 2

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'Inmo's' POV
I hum, walking around the island. I was beginning to think nobody was here until I came into the garden where I spotted Lucas, the god slayer as I recall. He turned to me. "Oh hey...Inmo?" He greeted, unsure of himself. I hummed. "Hello Lucas." I greeted in return, not even bothering to clarify that I was Inmo. He studied my appearance. "You look different...are those horns?" He questioned. I nodded. "Yep." I confirmed. He hummed. "Did something happen?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope." I answered. I won't bother trying to act like my other half. He blinks. He's deciding wether or not to trust me. "Alright...I'll see you later Inmo." He says, walking away. He's going to go tell someone. That's fine.

I blink, the two twins in front of me. So both of them came. I was just in my house peacefully when they showed up. "Brandon, Ritchie, what can I help you with?" I asked. They exchanged a look. "Inmo...are you feeling okay?" Ritchie questions. I shrug. "Depends what you mean by okay." I answer. Brandon sighs, coming closer. "Who the hell are you?" He questions, getting straight to the point. I blink. "What are you talking about? I'm Inmo silly." I said. It's the honest truth, I am Inmo, just a little different. His eyes narrow. "There's no way you're Inmo. You look different and you're not acting like your self at all." He said, well, he has a point. "All right, I'll admit. I'm not the Inmo you know...but I am Inmo." I confess. They freeze, a confused look crossing their faces. I sigh. "To put it simply. I'm basically another personality. I used to be a super powerful Devil, well I still am, but I was sealed away and my other personality took over you could say." I explain. Their eyes widen. "So...are you...a good guy?" Ritchie questions. I shrug. "I can be good or I can be bad, depends on what I feel like doing but for now I'll be a good boy." I say. Brandon hums. "Alright...but could you give us the other Inmo back?" He questioned. I sighed. "I suppose I could let him out sometimes. He's a little upset at the moment because I joked about messing with you guys." I say. Ritchie chuckled. "I doubt you could do anything to the two of us." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say sparky."

I can't believe they believed me. I suppose I'll lay low for now but I wasn't uppermoon 1 for nothing...I'm just playing with my prey is all.

-To Be Continued-

My brain is tired from trying to math all day.

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