Left Behind Pt:3

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Inmo's POV
I followed Mori into the castle-like building that Devils Tongue called home. To be honest, I was only agreeing to this because I was bored. And who knows. Maybe they'll be nicer to me. I sighed, entering the castle my eyes landed on none other than Jupiter.

After what felt like hours of walking all the way to his large throne we finally reached it. I looked up at the tall man. I wonder if Jupiter's real form is smaller or taller? Or the same height? Oh well, I won't ever find out so it's not like it matters. I glared at the Devil inhabiting Brandon's body. Although the also made fun of me like the others, Brandon didn't do it as much. Maybe because he didn't talk was much as the others. Either way. I wasn't the biggest fan of Devils, even though I was technically one myself. Of course I can't really say I like myself. I know I can be rude and would easily switch sides. Anyways... "Jupiter." I said, continuing to glare. He smiled. "Inmo. Welcome to Devils Tongue." He welcomed me. I smiled back, although still glaring. "I can't say I'm glad to be here. But it'll do." I said. He hummed. "Mori, do you mind getting him situated?" He asked my brother. They sighed. "Fine." They said.

Once Mori found me an empty room they left me be. So I was looking at the room. It was completely empty, and I mean completely empty. I could always but furniture as I keep my money in the secret vault. And only Plant knows about it. But I don't really mind sleeping on the floor. And there's no point in wasting any money on things I don't need. So yeah, I sat against the wall, getting into a comfortable position. And slowly drifting off to sleep.

Lucas' POV
I looked around Inmo's room. Well. Closet. I never understood why he choose to live in a closest. He could have at least choose a proper room if he didn't want to spend money on a house. I started going through the drawers. Why? Because I was looking for something that could tell me about him. Despite knowing him for a year I didn't really know a lot about him. I opened the drawer next to the smaller bed, as he had two for some reason.  I was confused by the contents of the draw. It was full of clear pill bottles,
all empty. I picked up one of the bottles, looking to see if it said what it was for. Sure enough it did. "Happy Pills, negative emotions be gone." I read out loud. Happy pills? So does Inmo take these? I thought it over. I always thought it was kid of weird how happy he was all the time. Could this me the reason. So...his happiness was never real. It was just a pill. All the bottle are empty, he must have ran out. That's why he acted the way he did...or at least it's part of the reason. "I should show this to Ritchie." I said aloud before running off to find said guild leader.

Inmo's POV
"Why's he on the floor." An unfamiliar voice asked. I had just woke up to the sound of voices, although made no effort to show I was awake. "He always was one for the bare minimum life style." The voice of my brother responded. "Bare minimum?! He should at least have a sleeping bag or something!" I different unfamiliar voice exclaimed. "Eh, he can sleep anywhere, on anything, he'll be just fine." Mori responded. I smiled. "Despite being apart for years you still know me so well." I stated, opening my eyes. I saw two figures on either side of Mori. Both of color, one darker than the other. The darker skins one had raven hair and cat-like ears. The other one had bright red hair put up into a short ponytail and a mask. The red haired one gasped. "Were you awake the whole time?!" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I responded. The cat man crossed his arms. "The lord would not approve of your living conditions." He said. I rolled my eyes. One of those types. "Sorry, but I don't believe in this "lord" of yours." I said. He gasped, probably offended. "Oooo. I like you!" The red haired boy exclaimed. I smiled. "I like you too." I said. Mori crossed their arms. "Well, let me introduce you to these two. This is Montavious, but we call him Monti, he uses time magic." They gestured to the red head. "And this is Biblico, he uses light magic." (I'm not sure if that's what they called it) They gestured to the cat man. I smiled. "Ah. I'm Inmo. I use Combustion magic." I introduced myself. Monti gasped. "You have a tail!" He exclaimed, having just noticed my tail which wagging. "Yeah. I do." I said. I didn't really feel like telling them that I was half-devil, they probably already know. "Cool!" He exclaimed. I smiled, looking Mori. "So what is it that you guys do here?" I asked. They hummed. "Capture people, torture the people we capture, plot the destruction of Divinus Magia. Etc, Etc." They said. I made an 'oh' face. "Interesting." I said. "Speaking of plotting the destruction of the retched guild." Biblico started. "We have a meeting with master Jupiter and the others in a few minutes." He finished. Monti gasped. "I completely forgot!" He exclaimed. Mori sighed. "Meh." They said. I hummed. "My first meeting? I guess I'll go." I said. Mori hummed. "Yeah whatever. Let's go." They said,

-To Be Continued-

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