Bloodlust Pt: 3

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Requested by: bronxdale39

This is short

Inmo's POV
It was another day in Divinus Magia. When I entered the guildhall everyone went quiet. Strange. "Hey guys!!" I greeted. Mr. Brandon came over to me. "Inmo...we were just talking about you." He said. I tilted my head. "How come?" I questioned. He hummed. "Well, we came up with an idea to help your bloodlust." He said. I blinked. "What's the idea?" I ask. He sighs. "We figure if we expose you to a lot of blood, and you practice being around blood. You won't have as much of a problem." He says. I blink. "Okay...I'll try." I say.

Devin magiced up a small blade and sliced himself first. I sat at the end of the table, butting my tongue and digging my nails into my palm. As the blade was passed around and people sliced themselves, some more hesitantly then others, the smell became overwhelming. I can't let myself attack them again. I gotta stay strong. The smell filled my senses. I started to feel woozy. I shook my head. Come on Inmo, keep it together.

Somehow I managed to make it for a whole hour. We did this again once a week for a few weeks until I was able to sit without fighting myself. It was nice. I'm glad I can be around them now without having to worry about attacking them. It's nice...I can go back to being carefree and happy.


-The End-

This ended up being way shorter then I intended but yeah...

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