Traitors Pt: 2

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Mario's POV
I looked down at Inmo's limp body, laying in the chair. I feel bad for him. He was used my Johnathan and now he's been turned into a puppet. This boy...he's nothing but a pawn in Johnathan's game. Can't say I'm any different. The only difference is how we ended up here. I willing joined him when he offered me a peaceful life. All I had to do was infiltrate Divinus Magia and gather information on them. To be honest, I've grown to like them so I've actually been feeding Johnathan false information. He won't be happy when he finds out about that. For now...all I can do is try my best to protect this boy. I suppose you could say it's my own way of making up for my actions in the past.

Brandon's POV
I followed the other four down the stairs. We had decided to check out the underground area that had been discovered previously in hopes of finding Johnathan here. As we reached the floor I looked around. This place feels a little ominous. Suddenly I heard clapping, the five of us prepared ourselves, turning towards the source of the clapping. From a dark hallway, Johnathan came forth. He stopped clapping, smirking. "Congratulations, I had planned to do this a little latter and with more people on my side but your doom." He said. Ritchie huffs. "Yeah right."

It was an intense battle, we were winning obviously. After all, he may have copied a bunch of our spells, as we soon found out, but we greatly outnumber him. That was changed suddenly. Before I knew what was happening I was hit from behind and flung into a hall. I yelped. A heard another yelp and looked to see Ritchie and...Mario?! Wait...Mario's here? Don't tell me...he's a traitor too?! I turned to look at my attacker, just to see Inmo. But something was off. His expression was blank. "Kill him!!" Johnathan shouted in our direction. Inmo gathered his magic, summoning and throwing an explosion at me. Luckily I was able to dodge it just in time. It's a good thing too, that attack would have done a significant amount of damage to me.

I had managed to evade his attack and send in some attack his way, he didn't even attempt to dodge any of them. He betrayed us...yet I can't help but be worried about him. I suppose I have grown fond of him. He's always so cheerful and does try his hardest. Now I'm fighting him and he's acting strange. What if...what if he didn't really betray us? I'm not sure. I have no way of knowing. I guess I just have to fight.

I took in a deep breath, I had managed to knock Inmo down. He was surprisingly hard to beat. I looked around to see that the team of Bri, Silver, and Micheal had defeated Johnathan and Ritchie had defeated Mario. Good...I looked down at Inmo. He shifted, opening his eyes. He sat up, looking around. Then he looked up at me, tilting his head. "Mr. Brandon?" He questioned. I was about to respond when I felt my brother appear beside me. He was angry, the air sparked. He was about to step closer to Inmo when suddenly Mario ran in front of us, arms out in a protective manner. "Stop! You can punish me but don't punish him! He's innocent." He exclaimed. I blinked. Mario's protecting someone? I mean, I always figured he would when it came to it but I've never seen him do it. I also didn't expect it after learning he was working with Johnathan. "And why should I believe you?" Ritchie questioned. Mario sighed, looking down at the ground. "I joined Johnathan of my own free will for my own selfish desire to live a peaceful life. Not long after he brought in Inmo...a boy who had no home, no family, and a clouded memory. He took him in and used him in his plan. Then...when Inmo messed up, he turned him into a puppet and made him fight." He explained. My eyes widened. That would explain Inmo's strange behavior. Suddenly Inmo stood up, grabbing onto Mario's shirt. "Mr. Mario, what's going on?" He asked. Mario looked down at him. "It's nothing you need to worry about Inmo." He said. I sighed. "Brother...I think I know what to do with them."

"HAHAHA!" David laughed after hearing the news. Mario growled. "Hey!! It's not that funny!" He yelled. David's laughter died out. "You mean to tell me that you're going to be a janitor from now on?" He questioned. Mario nodded, his head lowered. David's laughter sparked up again. I simply watched. I felt a tug on my cape. I looked down to see Inmo. Ever since we got back he's been clinging to me. "What is it Inmo?" I asked. He hummed, looking at Mario. "Why is Mr. Mario the janitor now?" He asked. I hummed. "Well it's his punishment for working with Johnathan." I said. He blinked. "I worked with Johnathan too, does that mean I get a punishment?" He questioned. I hummed, thinking about it. In truth I'm not even sure if I should punish him. He is technically the victim in all of this. "Well, how about extra games of dodge the lightning bolts?" I suggested. He smiled. "Sounds fun!!"

-The End-

Head empty just like Ivy

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