So Tired...

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Inmo's POV
I crept through the halls aimlessly. In the dead of night. Everything's been so strange...since Sir Ritchie died. Everyone's so quite at the meetings. Even me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Ever since than I constantly feel like all my energy is draining out of me. My movements are slow. I haven't gone on a single quest in months. I've barely spoken. I'm not sure I remember how to speak. Shortly after the incident I changed my style. Now I wore a green, long-sleeved turtleneck. With my usual pants. My hair hasn't changed at all. I mean. It can't exactly grow. I haven't taken off my shirt. I probably smelled horrible. That's nothing new though. I fell against the wall as a wave of dizziness washed over me. My eyes started to close. I was to tired to stay awake any longer. Darkness enveloped me.

Brandon's POV
I took in the fresh morning air. Today would be another boring day. Things just weren't the same without him...I sighed. Now wasn't the time for sadness.

I walked through the halls, not going anywhere in particular. That's when I saw him. Inmo was passed out on the floor. I rushed towards him. Once I was by his side I quickly held him up, shaking him. I was trying to wake him up. Yet...he didn't open his eyes. I started to panic.

I brought him to the infirmary. He was still breathing perfectly fine. Nobody else knew about this yet. I haven't exactly left the infirmary since getting here. I sighed, walking up to him. He's not showing any signs of waking up. I looked over his appearance. He must be hot in the shirt. I reached over.

My eyes widened in shock. I had taken off his shirt, only to reveal a large black mark that had covered his arm down to his wrist and half his chest, creeping up his neck. It reminded me of when I had the blight but...this mark was pitch black. Just what was this?

I was reaching peak distress when he groaned. His eyes blinked open. My worry diminished by just a bit. His eyes gazed at me. But then I frowned. His eyes weren't like they were before. They were dull and distant. "Mr. Brandon?" He asked. I hummed. "Is anything hurting?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. Why?" He asked. My eyes went to the mark. He followed my gaze, gasping when he saw it. "What is this Mr. Brandon?" He asked. I frowned. "I don't know. It was there when I took off your shirt." I responded. He shivered. "I-I feel so cold all of a sudden." He said. I blinked. "That's's not cold in here." I said. He shivered again. "Oh. Okay." He said. I frowned. I put my hand to his forehead, thinking he might be sick. He was burning up. I removed my hand. "You're burning up. I think you're sick." I said worriedly. He hummed. "Okay." He said. I sighed. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked. Unfortunately my healing abilities did not cover illness. I also didn't have much experience taking care of the sick. Since me and Ritchie hardly ever got sick. I was also very concerned about the black mark. Was it connected to his illness? Was it even a problem at all? I have no idea. He shook his head. "No...I'm fine." He said. I forced a small smile. "Well, I'll be near by if you need anything. Don't be afraid to ask." I said. He nodded. "Okay." He said.

-To Be Continued-

So my idea for the black mark is the curse. Since Inmo apparently has a curse. This is just my own extended version of the curse. But I'm trying to decide if the illness is also related to the curse or if he just so happened to get sick at the same time. :)

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