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Requested by: Kistune39

Inmo's POV
I was walking along in the city when a strange by good smell reached my nose. I followed the scent, my curiosity peaking. When I finally found the source of the smell I saw someone standing over several bodies, a red liquid splattered on the walls and ground. The smell was coming from the red stuff. I froze, it smells so good...It smells...delicious. The figure turned to me. He looked a little familiar. He stepped towards me. "Oh...what do we have here? You're one of those ex-criminals right?" He said. I didn't really listen though, as he approached I felt my body move on its own. Before I knew it I was grabbing his arm and biting into it. He didn't pull away or anything. He just let me suck the red stuff from his body. I felt a hand on the back of my head. I blinked, pulling away. What just happened? Why did I do that? The man smirked. "I you crave blood." He said. Is that what the red stuff is called? I backed away from him before tripping over my feet and stumbling to the ground. The guy kneeled down to me. "Aw, don't be scared, I'm only here that bloodlust of yours." He said, placing a hand on my forehead. A laugh escaped his mouth as the world around me faded to black.

I opened my eyes, sitting up. I yawn, stretching my arms up to the ceiling. Just another day at the guild. I grabbed my axe from its spot and went down the steps, two at a time. I burst out my door. We're training as a guild today. I'm so excited. I get to show off my hard work!

I was doing pretty well in my opinion. I got a few hits in on some of the others and dodged some attacks as well. It was going well until...a delicious smell filled my senses. Everything else around me drowned out.

Lucas' POV
It was a pretty normal training session. I was mostly dodging since I really don't like using my magic when of David's ice shards sliced my arm. It wasn't to deep but deep enough for enough blood to come out that it slid down my arm and drip onto the ground. I sighed. "Hold up guys. Give me a minute!" I called out to the others. David laughs. "Seriously, you're gonna stop from a little scratch?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes. "If I don't treat it now it could become infected and then I could get sick and that would be a bigger problem." I said, walking towards where we had set up a small medical center. I was about to get out the bandages when suddenly...I was tackled to the ground. I yelped as I looked at Inmo...who was my attacker. "Hey, yo, what are you doing?!" David yelled. Inmo leaned down and licked up the blood. Suddenly he was pulled off of me. I blinked as I watch Ritchie shove Inmo on the ground. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Devin, a worried expression on his face. Everyone gathered around when Inmo got up and attacked Ritchie. Everyone gasped. Nobody would dare to just attack Ritchie, or Brandon for that matter. Ritchie quickly threw him off. He was about to zap him before I stopped him. "Ritchie wait!!" I called out, he turned to me, clearly angry. "Why?! He attacked me!!" He screamed. I sighed. "Idiot!!! It's obvious he's not acting normal!!" I yelled back. Brandon came forth, putting a comforting hand on his brothers shoulder. "Calm down brother, he is one of guild members. We should think before we act." He advised. Ritchie took in a deep breath. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry." He said. I smiled. I turned to Inmo, seeing him getting up. He looked around, a confused expression on his face. Brandon stepped toward him, a cautious air about him. Inmo looked up at him. "Mr. Brandon what just happened?" He asked. Brandon went closer to him. "You attacked Lucas and Ritchie." He said. Inmo just tilted his head. "Why?" He questioned. "We don't know." Brandon responded. Inmo frowned. "That's weird." He said. Brandon nodded, kneeling down. He placed a hand on the boys shoulder. "There's nothing to worry about. You're not in trouble." He assured. I watched, decided to come over as well. When I came closer Inmo tensed. His pupils dilated and he sniffed the air. He turned to me. He was about to get up but Brandon grabbed him. "Woah, calm down Inmo!" He exclaimed. I took a few steps back. Then I arm was still dripping in blood. Inmo had licked said blood before. "Hey guys...I think I may know what's going on."

-To Be Continued-

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