Pastries, Kidnapping, and Brother David.

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Inmo's POV
We were all walking as a group around Alantide. Why? Well, I think we were shopping. Like for food and stuff. I don't really buy food though. I hunt my food! It's really fun and helps me to train. You have to both outsmart and kill your prey. People keep saying that I have plenty of money to buy food with. But I don't know what they're talking about. I only have like five coins. They keep saying I have a lot more. I think they should learn how to count. It's not that hard. Oh well.

David's POV
We were out shopping in the city. Of course I was watching everyone closely. I saw them all as family. Even pebble brain... and the idiot. Of course everyone knows I see Lucas as my bro. I looked around. We were spilt up currently, each at our own places that we needed to ship at. Unfortunately only a few people were at the shops close enough to me that I could see them. That would be Lucas, Kit,  and Inmo. I glanced between them and the products I was looking to buy. Nothing has gone astray yet. That was good. But I have a feeling it's not going to last for long.

Inmo's POV
I was standing alone now. Everyone had gone off to look at their own stuff. I looked around. My eyes landed on a shop. A sweet smell came from it. I went towards it quickly. Once there I saw a lady behind a thingy that had a bunch of stuff in it. I knew the sweet smell was coming from it. I looked up at the lady. "What is that?" I asked, pointing and the array of things. She looked at me for a second like a lot of people did. She cleared her throat. "Ah. They're pastries. Food." She answered. I perked up. I had never smelled food so sweet. I really wanted it. But...I couldn't possibly afford it. I frowned. "Oh okay..."I said, knowing I wouldn't be able to try it. She hummed. "What's wrong? Are you disappointed?" She asked. I shook my head. "No...I just wish I could try it. But I can't cause I can't afford it..." I explained. She blinked, turning around. She walked away. I stared blankly as she rummaged around. She came back with one of the 'pastries' in hand. She held it out to me. I blinked. "I told you I can't pay." I said simply, confused. She shook her head. "It's free." She said. I felt a rush of happiness flow through me. I felt my tail start to sway behind me. I eagerly took it from her hand. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. She smiled. "No problem." She said. I smiled, shoving the food into my mouth. I but down on it. It was so sweet. I've never had anything like it before. I swallowed the food. I smiled. "That was amazing!" I exclaimed. She smiled again before frowning. "I'm glad, too bad you won't enjoy the second part." She said. I was about to ask her what she meant when my vision started to blur.

David's POV
I had just finished my purchases. I looked around at the others. Everyone seemed to be doing fine. That was until my attention was brought to Inmo when he collapsed on the ground. At first I thought he may have fallen. That was until I saw a lady come out and drag him into the shop. My eyes widened. That didn't look good.

I had ran too the shop. It looked to have been closed. The door had a closed sign on it and the window was sealed off. I tried the door. It was locked. That wasn't going to stop me. I froze the knob. This allowed me to break it easily. I pushed the door open. The inside was small, just storage of the goods. I looked around. That lady had to have brought him somewhere. My eyes landed on a trap door. I smiled. Too easy.

My feet landed on the floor. One look and I can tell this basement was fairly large. Inmo wasn't in the first room. He was probably deeper in. There was only one door in the room.

After going through many doors, I opened up one for my eyes to immediately land on Inmo. I gasped. He was tied to a chair, unconscious. I looked around for the last. She wasn't in here. But there was another door so I had to assume she was behind it. I rushed to the small boy. I noticed there was a small smile on his face, and his tail was wagging. He might have been having a good dream. I went to untie him but pulled away when a knife was suddenly thrown at me. It narrowly missed Inmo's hands as it plunged into the chair. I looked at the lady who had thrown the knife. I let out a low growl. She almost hurt him. I glared at her. "You're going to regret that." I said in a demonic voice.

Inmo's POV
I opened my eyes to see a Black and Tan blur in front of me. It was bobbing up and down. Then I realized that I was moving. I groaned, everything was blurry. The blur stopped bobbing. I heard a muffled voice but I couldn't understand what it was saying. Darkness.

I opened my eyes to a warmth, not the warmth of a person. The warmth of a blanket. It wasn't blurry anymore. I sighed. I perked up when I heard movement. Footsteps. "Inmo?" A voice said my name in a questioning tone. I hummed, unsure of who it was speaking the voice sounded familiar but the concerned tone sounded wrong. "Are you okay? She didn't hurt you, right?" The voice asked. I blinked. She? Do they mean the lady that gave me food? Oh yeah, what happened after that? I just blacked out and woke up here. I shook my head in response. "Good. But either way. She won't be bothering you or anyone else from now on." The person said. I didn't know what they meant. I looked up at the sound of movement again. I figure stepped into view. David. I blinked. "David...?" I said his name in a questioning tone, unsure if that was him. "We'll yeah, who else would it be?" He asked. I tilted my head. "A voice inside my head?" I asked. He frowned. "Are you trying to say you have a voice inside your head?" He asked. I shook my head. "No...but maybe this is a dream." I suggested. He sighed. "It's not a dream. Oh and. Tell anyone about this and your dead." He said. I blinked. "Okay." I agreed. He smiled. "Good." He said.

Turns out that lady had been wanted in other city's for kidnapping boys and forcing them to work for her. Putting potions in the pastries she gave them to control them. Like she did to knock me out. At least that's what David said. I will say I am thankful to David for helping me. But he wouldn't tell me what he did to her for some reason...

-The End-

This was originally gonna be one thing but then I changed my mind so yeah.

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