Uppermoon 1 Pt: 3

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Requested by/idea from: Kistune39

Warning: this story includes cannibalism, well, not really since in this Inmo is more Devil then human. But it's mentions of humans being eaten so...

'Inmo's' POV
I sighed, looking down at the idiot I had the misfortune of sharing a body with. He had tear stains down his cheeks. Weird considering we're in our headspace, so I don't really understand how we're capable of doing things like crying. Oh well. Guess I have to suck it up. I'm not a full power yet so I'm not actually entirely sure if I could take on both twins, or even the whole guild at once with ease. I have to feed in order to regain my strength, considering my idiot other half hasn't been eating I've lost a considerable amount of power. For now though...I have to allow him to take control so the guild leaders aren't suspicious of me. I would prefer to hunt my prey without being watched.

I kneel down to the boy. "Look...I know I scared you before but I am sorry..." I apologize, making my voice sound like it was genuine. He looked up at me. A smile formed on his face. "I accept your apology!" He chirps. What an idiot...oh well, that just makes this easier for me.

Inmo's POV
I look around my room. I feel funny. I hum, turning to a mirror I had. I blinked. "Wow!! I have horns!! So cool! And my hairs longer too!!" I exclaimed, amazed by my new appearance. I perked up when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I called. In came Mr. Brandon. I jumped up. "Hey Mr. Brandon!! Look at me!! Don't I look cool?!" I exclaimed. He hummed. "Well...I suppose you look cool..." He agrees. I grin. It makes me happy to know that Mr. Brandon thinks I'm cool. Brandon hums, looking behind me. "Your tail is wagging." He points out. I blink before quickly grabbing it to stop it from moving. "No it's not!!" I claim. He hums. "But I just saw it." He says. I shake my head, feeling my face heat up. "No you didn't! You imagined it!" I told him. He just sighed and turned away. "Alright then...I'll be going." He said before walking out the door.

'Inmo's' POV
I chomp on the flesh, tearing it straight off the bones. It's been so long since I've tasted this...human flesh. So delicious...I looked down at myself. Blood splattered my clothes and body. I looked around at all the bones of the people I killed then ate. I can feel my power building up. I'm almost at the level I was before. I can feel the power...wait, do I smell...oh, it seems they've found me. I turned as they appeared. One teleporting with lightning crackling around him and the other floating down from the sky. They looked at the scene I made. "Oh my...what are you boys doing here? Come to stop me?" I asked, mocking them.

Brandon's POV
You know...I actually thought this other half of Inmo's would be nice, especially after seeing how happy Inmo was but it seems I was wrong. I killed and ate innocent people. What should I do? The Inmo we know, the happy go lucky little idiot, the one that tries his best to live up to Bourjn's legacy and become stronger, is still in there. Could we just knock him out and the old Inmo would regain control? Something tells me it won't be that easy. I glanced at my brother then back at him. "We're gonna get our Inmo back." I announced. He laughed. I was about to unleash an attack when suddenly...I realized that I wasn't producing any magic. I froze, a strange sense of fear clouded my senses. Why am I feeling this? I'm not scared of him, Inmo's not that strong... 'You're wrong.'I voice spoke, echoing in my head. 'Jupiter?!' I questioned. He sighed. 'You're wrong about Inmo. He's not some weakling he's Uppermoon 1, the strongest of all devils.' He explained. My eyes widened. He's the strongest devil? How could we possibly win against him?

We couldn't, that's the answer. Even without most of our magic being able to be used, due to the fear of our devils, we were pretty strong but this guy is on a whole other level. How is that possible? I could easily defeat the Inmo we know but this guy...I could never dream of defeating him. Could it be that out Inmo has actually been holding back his power this whole time? That might make sense.

I was about to attack again when suddenly he froze. He stood still for a moment, myself and Ritchie froze as well. When suddenly he fell over onto the ground. I ran over to him out of instinct to protect my friend. I look down at him. He was sound asleep. Strange...did our Inmo have something to do with this?

-To Be Continued-

I was originally gonna finish it here but I guess not.

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