Blood Pt:2

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Requested by: Kistune39
Their ideas are really good and creative U-U

Inmo's POV
I hum, skipping around. Brandon talked to the rest of the guild and told them about my situation. Blake was a bit scared at first when she realized that I almost attacked her before but wasn't mad. I'm happy about that. Ritchie instructed me to make it known if it starts to become uncontrollable again. I don't mind that. It's a good idea. For now I'm fine. Happily skipping around the garden. I haven't exploded in a while so David reluctantly agreed to letting be roam around but I imagine he'd be very upset if I were to blow any of his flowers up. He seems to be very attached to them. Anyways, everything's fine now.

We were gathered in the guildhall, drinking to our hearts content, well, everyone else was. I was currently having my tail caressed by a a drunk Kit. I didn't like it all. I hate it when my tail is touched. David laughed at me in his drunken state. I'm starting to regret not leaving before...just kidding. I love it here. I can't really help the situation I'm in. I'll take it as payment for the blood thing. It's only fair.

I hum, looking at the bottle of blood I was sent. It had a name on it, Ritchie. This was Ritchie's blood I guess. I haven't tasted his blood yet. I take the cork off and immediately I felt a tingling feeling run through my body. I swiftly downed the blood. It was so delicious and the smell...I want more. I need more...I let out a quite laugh.'re blood is just to good to resist.

I hung from one of the support beams, awaiting my prey. Just in time he entered, closing the door behind him. I smile, releasing my tails grip on the beams I fell down and landed in front of him. He jumped back, startled. Without giving him time to respond I push him against the wall. His eyes widen. I bring my sharp claws to his neck. I press it against his skin, he stood still for some reason. I smirk as the blood dripped from the spot. I leaned in an licked it up. It tastes even better fresh.

Ritchie's POV
What should I do? It seems heys lost control. I don't want to hurt's not his fault. Maybe I can talk some sense into him...I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sharp pain on my shoulder. I yelled out as he bit down, consuming my blood. I recently sent him some of my blood, does this have to do with that? "H-hey...Inmo. Snap out of it." I said while wincing through the pain. He didn't respond. So that's a no go. Alright...guess I'll get knocking him out.

I sigh, putting a gag in his mouth. I don't like the idea of doing it but I can't risk him attacking again when he wakes up. I turned when the door opened. My brother came in. "Brother, I'm glad you're here." I say. He hums, eyeing Inmo who was asleep on the floor, then his eyes went to the wound on my shoulder. "What happened?" He questioned. I shrugged. "He was here when I came in and he attacked me, I assume it has something to do with the fact that I sent him my blood not long ago." I explained. He sighed. "That's not good, I had hoped giving him blood would help the situation but...he hasn't attacked anyone else. It must be something about your blood..." Hey said, theorizing. I hum. "That makes sense. So I guess I just won't give him my blood." I said.

Inmo's POV
I opened my eyes. What happened. I turned on my side. Wait...this isn't my room. Is this...Ritchie and Brandon's room. I blink. "Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" A voice asked. I turned. Ritchie. "What am I doing here?" I asked. He sighed. "You attacked me. We believe it's because of my blood so I will no longer be giving you my blood." He explains. My eyes widen. I attacked him...he must have blood that's irresistible least he's okay. That's good. "I see...I'm sorry." I apologize. He hums. "It's fine. You didn't know." He assured. I nodded. I'm glad.

Now everything's been resolved. Hopefully there will no longer be any problems.

-The End-


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