Left Behind Pt:5

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Lucas' POV
This is so frustrating. With Ritchie acting all weird. I don't know what to do. We could be attacked at any moment. I didn't even know where to start looking for Inmo. What good was knowing why he acted that way if I can't even find him. I feel like I'm the only one trying to keep this guild together, but it just keeps falling further and further apart. I can't do this. We need Brandon back. I sighed, looking at the colorful flowers that David cared for. "Lucas?" A voice sounded from behind me. I turned to see Blake, the girl we saved while going to get Brandon back. "Oh hey Blake." I said. "Are you okay? You don't look too good." She said. I sighed, turning back to the flowers. "I'm just a little stressed. The mission to get back Brandon was a failure. Ritchie's been acting stupider and more dense sense we rescued him from devil's tongue. And I Ritchie kicked out another member, Inmo." I explained. "Inmo? You mean the loud one?" I nodded. "Well, he was acting kind of rude and Ritchie kicked him out for it. I actually found out that the reason he was acting up had to do with the fact that he took pills to make himself happy.." I said sadly. "Oh...that sounds more than a little stressful...." She said. I nodded. "The guild is falling apart, we could be attacked at any-" I was cut off by a loud boom. Blake yelped. "What was that?!" She asked in a yell. My fists clenched. "Trouble." I said.

Me and Blake ran as fast as we could towards the source of the explosion. I wasn't surprised to see Jupiter floating above my guild mates. Kit was unconscious, Plant was with her. David and Ritchie were scratched up but still standing. Out of instinct I threw a stream of water at the Devil. Only for it to be dodged. I tensed. This was bad. Jupiter was strong, and we didn't want to kill him since that would mean killing Brandon. Suddenly another explosion sounded, judging by the sound I assume it came from the garden. "My Garden!!" David yelled. He growled, shooting multiple ice shards at Jupiter. But it was blocked. I gasped. The person who blocked it was... "Inmo?!" I yelled. He landed on the ground with a thud, putting away his giant axe. "What the hell Inmo?!" David yelled. I was just in shock. Inmo glared at him. "Sorry for blowing up your garden and all, but no need to attack him for it." He said. So he was the one that blew up the garden. But why? Why join up with Devils Tongue. Was he upset over getting kicked out? He didn't seem that upset when he left. Then again...we all thought he was the happiest person on the planet before. I didn't have time to question his motives. Right now we had to fight.

We did it. We actually did it. Brandon was back in control, talking with Ritchie. We defeated the other members of Devils Tongue that came here but they got away. And Inmo...he was knocked unconscious and taken to the infirmary. That's where I was, waiting for him to wake up. Brandon said he didn't remember anything so I had to hear what happened from Inmo. I looked up when I heard a groan. Inmo slowly set up, holding his head. "Owww..." he groaned. I smiled, glad to see him awake. "Inmo." I said his name to get his attention. I looked at me. He blinked. "Oh hey Boat." He said. It was still odd to hear him without his normal cheery voice. "Inmo... we need to talk." I said. He looked away from me, sighing. "What is it?" He asked. I sighed as well, pulling out the bottle. "I assume this has something to do with how you're acting. Right?" I asked. He glanced at the bottle, nodding. "I just want to ask two questions. First: why do you take these pills! Second: why did you join up with Devil's Tongue!" I asked. He hummed. "I take the pills because I haven't been capable of happiness in a long time. Nothing makes me happy. I joined Devils Tongue for two reasons. One: My brother, Mori, invited me. Second: Jupiter was nice to me when you guys left me there before. I kind of had a panic attack and he helped me get over it. And you guys...you always make fun of me for low intelligence. And just so you know, the medicine doesn't effect my intelligence. It does make me more naive, but I'm just as smart now as I was before." He said. I blinked. "So...you can't be happy without the pills, you have a sibling in devils tongue, and Jupiter was nice to you after you had a break down." I summed it up. He nodded. "And...I'm sorry for making fun of you, and I'm sure the others will be too." I said in an attempt to make him feel better. He stayed silent. I sighed, taking his hands in mine, he looked at me. I smiled. "One last thing. I won't stop until I help you be happy again, without the pills." I said. I couldn't be sure but I swear I saw a spark of hope ignite in his eyes.

And I did. It took a while. After I got the others to apologize to Inmo we started being nicer to him. I even helped him learn some basic math and spelling. Eventually we got him to smile. I was so happy myself when I saw him smile, a genuine smile, not forced by some pills. Real happiness. And I also got together with Blake. We were happy together, and Inmo became almost like a son to us. I was happy, the guild was more than okay, we were closer than ever. And we won't let anything tear us apart again.

-The End-

You didn't think I'd ever do even a little Lake did you? I know it's not focusing on Lake busy Lake does exist in this story.

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