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Inmo's POV
I was zoning out while everyone talked about something when I smelt it. The intoxicating smell of blood. I tensed as Lucas came in, he was injured. David came in behind him. "What happened?" Brandon questioned. Lucas sighed. "This idiot went to far in training so now I'm bleeding. No big deal." He explained. I looked at the blood. It looked so good... No, I can't. I have to restrain myself. If I try to take someone's blood...then I'll get in trouble. Everyone will be angry at me, I might be kicked out of the guild or even killed. That's what usually happens to Devil's like me. Devils that crave blood, that consume it to become stronger.

I hum, walking around. After escaping the guildhall I had calmed down. Now that blood no longer filled my senses it was easy. I blinked when I realized I was in the garden. Usually I'm only allowed here to visit bosses statue. I was about to leave when the smell of blood hit be once again. I froze. Seriously? Again? It doesn't smell like Lucas, no, I'm pretty sure it's Kits blood I'm smelling. I have to her out of here.

I shut the door behind me, sweat dripped down my face. I've been fighting it for so long, it's becoming more difficult to control. I don't know if I can last for much longer. I don't want to hurt my friends. I care about them.

It was another meeting. I was nervous. What if someone started bleeding again? I don't think I can control myself if that happens. "Inmo?" Someone questioned. I looked up. Lucas. "Yes?" I ask. "Well, everyone left and you were spacing out." He said. I blinked, looking around. Sure enough everyone else was gone. I hum. "Oh, sorry." I apologize before getting up and leaving. I'm glad nothing happened today. That would have been bad.

I stare at the ceiling. They'll find out, I'm sure of it. I want to leave but I like it here. It's so fun and I'm surrounded by my friends. Well...I guess they won't be friends anymore when I lose control.

I was listening to Ritchie talk today when suddenly. All my other sense were drowned out by the smell of blood when Blake suddenly cut herself on a piece of paper. My body moved on its on. I grabbed her arm and licked the cut. She yelped, snapping me out of it. I blink, letting her arm go. Everyone's looking at me. I need an excuse. I forced a goofy smile. "I've stopped the bleeding!!" I exclaimed proudly. She blinked. Before laughing. "Oh Inmo...that's not how you usually stop bleeding." She said. I frowned. "Really? That's how I usually do it." I say sadly. She shakes her head. "Usually you'll use some kind of cloth to absorb it then put a bandage over the wound in case you bleed more." She explained. I nodded. I already knew that but everyone already knows I don't know a lot of things so it shouldn't surprise them or raise suspicion if they think I just didn't know that. I hum, walking away. "I'm gonna go now." I chirp, leaving the guild hall. That was a close call. I'm glad I was able to snap out of her before my lust grew to strong. I could have hurt her.

I frown, looking at the statue of boss. "Boss...I'm scared. What should I do? I'm gonna lose control soon, I almost hurt Blake today. I...I don't wanna hurt people but the just to strong." I say to the statue, not expecting a response. Tears fell from my eyes. I wish boss was still here, maybe he'd understand. Just then the wind picked up. I tensed, feeling a presence behind me. I turned in dread, seeing Mr. Brandon. He had a blank face. Did he head what I said? He looked down on me. "Why are you crying Inmo?" He asked. I blinked, quickly wiping the tears away. "It's nothing! I'm just missing boss." I lie. He hums. Did he not hear me? He sighed, taking out a dagger. My eyes widened as he slashed his arm. I couldn't help myself. I lunged, grabbing his arm and biting down on the spot he cut. I licked up the blood. I froze when I realized what I was doing. I pulled back immediately, backing up. Brandon seemed unfazed. "I...I..." I start but I don't know what to say. I can't cover this up. I've been caught. He didn't say anything. There's only one thing I can do. I kneeled down on the ground, lowering my head. "I'm so sorry...please don't kill me!" I begged. No response. Instead he placed a hand on my face. I looked up at him, confused. He gave me a soft smile. "There's no need to beg. I have no intention of killing you." He assures. I blink. "Why?" I ask. He hums. "Well, you did say you didn't want to hurt anyone, didn't you?" He questions. I look down. So he did hear me...I guess that's a good thing. "I'm really sorry...I...I can't control it. I can't stop craving blood. I tried to resist but I just couldn't handle it any longer." I apologize, tears still coming. He sighs, pulling me into a hug. "It's okay, we're here to help. I'm sure the others wouldn't mind donating some blood to help you." He says, assuring me that it would be okay. "Thank you Mr. Brandon."

-The End-

I saw this somewhere else- I can't remember where though- oof.

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