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If you would like to request anything you can, and I'll try to put your request into the story. I won't do smutt or sexual assault.

I also won't do x readers but I am open to crack ships as long as it is between two consenting adults.

Warnings: This book may contain stories with or mentioning pills, panic attacks, sensory overloads, alcohol, blood, violence, weapons such as swords, knifes, axes, guns, etc.; severe injury, death, depression, other mental things(probably unspecified), possibly suicide, angst and potentially more.

I'll try my best to put proper warnings on the individual stories if I believe it is extra bad: example, if a story has A LOT of blood.

If you see something that could be triggering that I failed to put warning for here, please let me know asap so that I may fix it asap and I apologize in advance if you are triggered by anything I failed to provide warning for.

I also already have said that I won't be doing anything won't Smutt or SA, however I may have hints of two consenting adult characters having the sex. I may also write sexual jokes or sexual tension.

Edit like years later:
Kissing is a maybe, French kissing is even more unlikely. I have found that intimate acts make me uncomfortable and while I have no problem reading, I do have a bit of a problem with writing that kind of stuff so I likely won't. Plus, I was never good at writing kissing scenes anyways, so.

FairyTail Origins Inmo Oneshot bookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora