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I love Inmo and Brandon's dynamic.

Requested by: Kistune39

Brandon's POV
I was zoning out as usual, just listening to the guilds usual antics. I've grown to like their company. They're loud and stubborn. They work hard to become strong. They don't show it but they care about each other. They're mine and Ritchie's guild. I care about all of them.

I was walking away from the guildhall when I noticed someone. Inmo was walking into what I guess you can call an alleyway. I wonder what he's up to. I went over there, peaking in. He was holding a Lacrima, I recognized it as a communication Lacrima. It glowed. A voice came from it, a familiar voice. "Ahhh. Inmo, you've finally contacted me." The voice spoke, is that...JP? Inmo giggled like a little kid. "Sorry Mr. Johnathan. I couldn't figure out how to work this thingy." He apologized. JP sighed. "Right, give me your report." He ordered. Inmo nodded. "Well, Mr. Eden attacked recently. And um...that's it." He said. Report? What's going on here? JP sighed. "No you idiot, I already knew that. Tell me about the guild members, preferably the twins." He said, clearly getting annoyed. If he wants to know about us, why not ask us himself? Inmo hummed. "Well...everyone's kind of mean to me but at the same time...they're all really nice." He said. It makes sense he would say that about us. JP sighed again. "No! Tell me about their weaknesses! The things they hate, what makes them sad. Anything that could help me defeat them!" He yelled. That's it...I've heard everything I need to. I turned into the alleyway. "Hey, care to explain what's happening here?" I questioned. Inmo turned towards me. "Oh, hey Mr. Brandon. I was just talking to Mr. Johnathan." He said. I arched my brow. "About what?" I questioned. Let's see what he says. He hummed, looking down at the Lacrima. "About donuts!" He lied. I sighed. I had hoped he'd at least come clean, that would make this easier. "Sorry Inmo but I heard everything. You're coming with me. And Johnathan...well, I'll leave the other guild leaders to decide what to do with you." I said. He didn't respond, instead the Lacrima stopped glowing. I sighed. "Mr. Brandon...what's going on?" Inmo asked.

Inmo's POV
I looked up at Sir. Ritchie and Mr. Brandon through the bars. "Ummm. What are we doing here?" I questioned. I don't understand. I was just talking to Mr. Johnathan and telling him what I learned like he told me too...he also told me not to tell anyone what we were talking about if anyone ever walked in on us. But now I'm in a...cell I think. The air around me started to tingle. Sir. Ritchie's magic? "How dare you come into my guild and spy on us!!" He yelled. I blinked. Spy? What does that mean? I looked between the two. Sir. Ritchie was angry and Mr. Brandon looked...disappointed?

I still have no idea what happened. They kind of just left me here after yelling at me for being a traitor or something, well, Sir. Ritchie yelled, Mr. Brandon stayed quiet. I was leaning against the wall when I heard a noise. I blinked, moving closer to the bars. In walked Mario. "Oh. Mr. Mario!" I exclaimed. He's my friend. We're good friends, we both do things for Mr. Johnathan. He's super nice to me. He sighed. "You got yourself caught..." He said. I tilted my head. "I don't know what you mean." I said. He shook his head. "Never mind. Johnathan's mad so we have to go now." He said. I nodded.

I walked behind Mario. We had come into the super secret base where Mr. Johnathan was apparently hiding out. Something about the guild leaders being after him. I don't really know. Anyways, as we approached the center of the base I spotted him. We came up to him. "Right, good, you're back. I see you brought him with you too..." He said to Mario, looking at me. I smiled. "Hi Mr. Johnathan." I greeted. His eyes narrowed and suddenly, with a few steps, he was right in front of me and hitting me in the face. I blinked. That hurts... "YOU IDIOT!!! YOU'VE RUINED MY PLANS!!! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN IT WAS A MISTAKE TO TAKE YOU IN!!!" He screamed at me. I looked down at the floor. I hardly remember the last time I was yelled at...what is this feeling? Mario sighed. "Now, now, he can still be a weapon." He said. I blinked. What does that mean?

Brandon's POV
"So you're telling me that the idiot was actually a spy for Johnathan, and Johnathan is actually a bad guy?" Micheal questioned. Ritchie nodded. "Yep, that's basically it." He confirmed. "Ha!!! I told you the old dude was suspicious!!" Silver exclaimed. I sighed. "Yes I'll admit you were right but that's not the point. We're here to decide what to do about it." I said. Bri hummed. "Well, we should interrogate this Inmo first, see if we can get any information." She said. I nodded.

I stared at the empty cell. "How the hell did he escape?!" Ritchie yelled. I looked around. There's zero damage... "He had help." I said. It was obvious. Inmo would have escaped by blowing up everything. Yet there's no damage so than means someone else has to have helped him. Micheal nodded in a agreement. "Yeah...the question is...was it Johnathan or someone else?"

-To Be Continued-

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