Inmo's new Friends

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Inmo: I was walking toward the dock upset because Richie had kicked me out of the guild. Of course I had it coming since I said that I wished I had never joined this guild.

Inmo: After taking the boat to the mainland I walked for a long time not stopping until I came across a Mountain. The aura emitted by the mountain reminded me of my home. That's what compelled me to enter.

Inmo: I walked through a tunnel that soon let out into a large room. I was amazed this place was beautiful. My attention was brought to two boys that looked like Sir. Ritchie and Mr. Brandon.

Rian: "What do we have here? A member of Divinus Magia?" By the time he finished his sentence he was right in front of me holding my chin.

Inmo: "Former member actually."

Brandeen: "ooo"

Rian: "So then what are you doing here?"

Inmo: "This place reminds me of home."

Rian: "oh?"

Inmo: "Well I'm a demon so..."

Brandon: "Hehe"

Rian: "Well you seem to interesting individual."

Inmo: "I suppose you could say that..."

Rian: "So, whats you name?"

Inmo: "My names Inmo."

Rian: "Ah, well, I'm Rian and that is my twin brother Brandeen."

Inmo: I took this chance to ask. "How come you look like Sir. Richie and Mr. Brandon?"

Rian: "Well as you probably know those two are from an alternate universe, myself and Brandeen are the versions of them from this world."

Inmo: I made an 'oh' face at this.

Rian: "Anyways Inmo, I have a question for you. Do you hate Divinus Magia?"

Inmo: I thought about this then responded. "Well, they weren't exactly the nicest to me when I was a member."

Brandeen: "So what I'm hearing hate those twins as much as we do."

Inmo: "I'm not sure if I hate them as much as you but I definitely hate them."

Rian: "Well, looks like we have a common goal, revenge."

Inmo: I smiled at this and looked Rian in the eye."I'd say so."

Brandeen: "I believe I have an idea of how"

Inmo: I looked at Brandeen as he explained.

Brandeen: "We use Inmo to lure them into an ambush, simple."

Inmo: "oo, I can use my explosion magic to blow up a few towns."

Rian: "Excellent Idea."

~So we got to the plan~

~To Be Continued~

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