Questioning Himself

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Inmo's POV


I sat curled up under the covers. The tears streamed down my face. Suddenly I was pulled from under them by strong arms and held above the floor. I looked up to see David glaring at me. I sniffled. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice scratchy. I low growl emitted from his throat. "You're going to take back what you said." He commanded. I blinked. "What are you talking about?" I questioned, completely lost as to what he meant. His grip on my arms tightened. "You called Brandon a monster you moron!" He accused. I tensed. I don't remember saying that... "What are you talking about?!" I questioned, raising my voice higher then intended. He huffed, throwing me to the floor. "I know you're an idiot and all, but this is ridiculous!" He exclaimed, turning away from me and throwing his arms into the air as he spoke. Then he simply walked away. When I was sure he was gone I looked down at my hands, one was covered in black and the other was my normal skin color. What's going on...ever since this curse started spreading across my body, things have been so weird. It was okay up until now, now everyone seems to hate me more than before...Did I really say that Brandon is a monster?

I looked in the mirror, my fingers tracing my face. The mark had grown again, now it was covering over half of my face. I'm starting to consider telling someone about the voice but...the voices threat of being sent to a doctor kept me from doing so. Doctor's were scary, the conduct experiments on you and beat you when you don't comply. They stab needles full of burning liquid into least, that's my experience with doctors. What if I told them and they didn't take me to a doctor...or maybe I can ask them too... 'Just stop trying, there's no way to escape it. Just give up.' The voice spoke. I lowered my head, looking at my hands again, these hands...these hands that killed many doctors before...

I watched from the doorway while Brandon drank cup after cup. I wanted to do something, give him a hug, ask if I really did call him a monster...tell him that it wasn't true. But...last time I tried to talk to him me called me a nuisance. Maybe that was just the alcohol talking but...I know that it's also true. I am a nuisance to everyone. So I won't bother him, instead I'll just watch. Just incase something happens. Just incase I can help in some way. That's all I want right now. I may be sick but Brandon's been trying his hardest to help me up until now, I have to repay the favor somehow. Don't I?

-To Be Continued-

Not logic only plot

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