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Inmo's POV
I quietly snuck into Brandon's office. Brandon's still drinking downstairs but you never know who might be up here. I pushed the door open, the creak of the wood felt so loud. I perked into the room to see it empty. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I shuffled into the room, closing the door behind me. "Okay..." I said aloud. "Time to get looking."

I looked everywhere in the room, rummaging through the draws and taking out every book on the shelf's. Nothing useful. If you're wondering what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something I can use to cheer Brandon up. I don't really understand feelings so I thought there might be some clues in here. Seems I was wrong. I sigh, sitting in his chair. "What am I going to do?" I ask aloud. 'It's pathetic how you continue to try. You caused this and you can't fix it.' The voice spoke. I huff, bring my knees up and wrapping my arms around them. "Shut up. I don't care what you think. I'm going to fix this." I snapped. It laughed. 'I see you haven't caught on yet so I'll just spell it out for you. I took control of your body and caused this little mess you're in.." It said. My eyes widened. "What...?" I questioned. 'I'm not repeating myself. I'll leave you alone to contemplate now.' It said. I stared off...I didn't think the voice could actually take over...and it caused this. It hurt Brandon...It hurt me...I can't stop it. I can't get rid of it...No. I can get rid of it. Or at least try...I just have to face it. I have to tell someone. Even if they do take me to a doctor, I have to trust that my friends won't let anything bad happen to me. I have to...

'No, no, no, don't you dare tell them!" The voice screamed, I ignored it as I walked through the hall. As I approached the dining hall I noticed that multiple figures were there. As I got closer I made out the figures to be Brandon, David, Mario, and Kit. I slowed down as I neared them. Brandon was turned away from me in the same chair he's been sitting in and the others looked up when they saw me approaching. I stopped in the door way. 'Don't do it!!" The voice pleaded. Now I understand. This voice used my fear against me to prevent me from getting rid of it. I clasp my hands together, gathering my words. "Um...hi." I greeted. David shot a glare at me. The other two looked between us, apparently not knowing why David was mad at me. "Hey Inmo. We were just trying to console Brandon." Kit said. I nodded. "Ummm." I started, unsure of how to tell them. Would they even believe me? Brandon groaned, drawing my attention to him. I took in a deep breath. "Everyone...there's something I want to tell you...something I should have told Brandon a while ago..." I announced. I can hear a thumping sound on my head. Brandon shifted while everyone else leaned in, waiting for me to continue.  "Um...I'm sure you can see this mark on my face..." I started, reaching up to touch my face. They nodded. "Well...I wasn't really honest about not knowing the cause..." I admitted. Their eyes widened ever so slightly. "Why?" David asked. I looked down. 'If you're gonna say it then just spit it out.' The voice seethed. I twitched. "You see...The cause is a voice in my head..." I got out quickly. Silence. "Damn, is everyone going to have a voice in their head at this point?" David questioned with his usual sass. I looked up. Kit and Mario laughed. "It seems to have become a trend." Mario added on. I looked at them all, surprised and confused. "What do you mean by trend?" I asked. David rolled his eyes. "You idiot, you're not the only one with a voice in your head. I've got one, Brandon's for one, Devin used to have one, Lucas has one." He explained. I blinked, I didn't know that. "Why didn't you tell us?" Kit asked. I frowned. This was the more embarrassing part. "Well...It sounds stupid, but I didn't tell you because...the voice said that if I told you then you would take me to the doctor and I was scared..." I explained. David snickered. "You're scared of Doctors?" He questioned, holding back a laugh. Mario elbowed him. "Don't be rude. Everyone has different fears." He scolded. David sighed. "Yeah...whatever." He said. I blinked. "Um...there's one other detail..." I brought their attention. They perked up. "I was trying to figure out how to help Brandon. And apparently I said something to him...The um, the voice told me that it took over. I don't know how. I don't know what to do." I said, shaking a bit. I'm scared, I really am. Not scared of them. Scared of the voice. It can take over my body, what else could it do? "Inmo?" A voice questioned. Brandon. I blinked, looking at him. He was turned towards me now. He looked so tired, with bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess. "Yes?" I responded. Everyone turned to him. He looked down. "I'm sorry." He apologized. I blinked. "What?" I asked, unsure if I heard that right. He turned around again. "I was mean to you. I said things that I regret." He said. I shook my head, snapping out of my shock. "You don't have to me sorry Mr. Brandon. I'm the one who kept this secret from you. If I had told you then this wouldn't have happened." I said. The three looked between us. "I um...I'm sorry for not trusting you." I apologized. He turned back to me. "You don't have to apologize either. I'm just happy to know that you don't hate me." He said. I smiled. "Yeah...same here."

-To Be Continued-

I swear I'll finish this in one more part.

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