Lost In a Maze.

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So um. This was inspired by someone else's story but I forgot who. Sorry.

In this Devil's Tongue doesn't attack till after the guild returns from the s-class trials. And the leaders plus other members don't spectate.

Inmo's POV
I wondered around the maze aimlessly. It feels like it's been hours. I just wanted to get out at this point. Surely everyone else has made their way to their battle. I feel like I'm just going around in circles, over and over again. It was starting to become suffocating. I wanted to just blow my way out of here but I didn't want to get in trouble with Mr. Brandon and Sir. Ritchie. I let out a breath, falling against a hedge. The sun was setting. I was so tired. I could just sleep here I guess. Might as well, I'm not getting out of here any time soon. I smiled to myself, closing my eyes. Just a small nap...

Brandon's POV
We were all on the beach, congratulating Mario who had made S-class. But I was looking around for a certain explosion mage. He wasn't here. And according to Micheal, Inmo never made it to his area. So he must still be in the maze. I turned to my brother. "Hey. I'm gonna go look for Inmo." I told him. He nodded. "Make sure to bring the idiot back in one piece." He joked. I nodded. Will do.

I was flying above the maze. It was large, I'm not surprised he got lost in here, he wasn't the brightest. But you would think he would have gotten out by now, after all, it was the middle of the night. I haven't even heard a single explosion. At last I spotted the familiar light purple hair. I floated down to the little mage, only to see him asleep. I landed down next to him. I was about to shake him to wake him up when I noticed he was shaking. Sweat dripped from his forehead. I kneeled down to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, lightly rubbing it. His shaking started to come to a stop. Eventually his shaking ceased and he was sleeping peacefully. I sighed. He was probably having a bad dream. I looked at him. We were gonna leave soon. I guess I have to pick him up...oh well. At least he's safe.

After returning to the island I brought Inmo to his room. Now I was eating in the dining hall, alone. I looked up at the sound of footsteps. Inmo stood at the end of the table with droopy eyes. "Hi Mr. Brandon..." He greeted sleepily. I smiled. "Good morning Inmo. Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yeah..." he said. "Come sit." I gestured to the seat beside mine. He did so, coming over and plopping onto the seat. "So. Is there a reason I found you asleep in the maze?" I asked, getting straight to the point. He blinked, staring off into space. "I couldn't get out...and I was tired." He said. I hummed. That didn't surprise me. "Well, why didn't you blow your way out if you couldn't get out. Not that I'm encouraging you to break the rules, but I figured you would have done that." I said. "I um...I didn't want you to be mad at me..." He said, still staring off. I sighed. "Well, that's fair. Just know if you ever start feeling uncomfortable in a situation. I give you permission to break the rules, reasonably of course." I said. He smiled, turning to me. "Thanks Mr. Brandon...can I go back to bed now?" I laughed. "Yes you can." I said. He smiled, standing up carefully. "Goodnight Mr. Brandon." He said. I wasn't gonna correct him, as it was morning. "Goodnight Inmo." I said back.

-The End-

SOS. My Nana's cat is trying to eat me. Send help.

Ps: Don't actually send help, I'm fine. Sort of.

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