Counterparts Pt: 2

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Inmo's POV
I skipped through the tunnel, Sir. Ritchie and Mr. Brandon following behind. When I reached the cave I called out, "Hello?! I brought friends!" A heard a groan. I looked to see Sir. Brandon. He came over but froze when he saw the two behind me. "Inmo...why did you...bring them here?" He questions. I smile. "Well, they were questioning about you and Mr. Ritchie and asked to be introduced to you. You didn't seem to mind the idea of meeting them so I figured it would be a nice surprise." I say. Mr. Brandon comes in front of me. "Well now...I had heard of your existence but I never expected Inmo here to know you..." He said. I must have been like looking into a mirror after getting a makeover. Sir. Ritchie hums. "The question is, are you good or evil?" He asks from behind me. Suddenly he yelped. "Why don't we find out?!" Another voice questions. I turn to see Mr. Ritchie holding a blade to Sir. Ritchie's throat. "Oh hey Mr. Ritchie!" I greeted. He gave me a smile. "Nice to see you Inmo. I must thank you for this little surprise. It saves us a lot of trouble." He said. Sir. Ritchie struggled against him. Someone grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the side. It was Sir. Brandon. "You just sit back while we work things out." He said. I nodded, taking a seat on a rock. I watched as he joined in, punching Mr. Brandon in the face.

It was cool to watch. They're all so strong. I hope I can be as strong as them and Boss one day. Eventually it was over, I was sad to see that Mr. Ritchie and Sir. Brandon had lost. I smiled, skipping over to their place on the ground. I stood over them. "That was so cool!!" I exclaimed. "Get away from them!!" Mr. Brandon suddenly shouted. I blinked. "Why? They're my friends." I said. He sighs, putting his hand to his forehead. "Even if they really are your friends, they're evil. You shouldn't be near them." He said, he came closer to me. I huffed, grabbing onto Sir. Brandon's arm. "No! I don't care if they're evil. They've been my best friends for a long time. They were there for me!!" I exclaimed. He stood back. Sir. Ritchie stepped forward. He gave Mr. Brandon a look. Mr. Brandon sighed. He looked at the two who had simply watched this interaction. "How about this, if you're willing to...we can help you reform. However, if you won't then we'll have to put you in prison, all of you if need be." He said. I looked at them, awaiting their answer. Mr. Ritchie hummed. "We're...willing, but only because we don't want to leave Inmo." He said. I smiled. "Yay!!" I cheered.

I skipped, the four behind me. On the way back they discussed the details. I would be in charge of watching Mr. Ritchie and Sir. Brandon and helping them adjust to their new life in the guild. I didn't mind. I'm just happy that I get to stay with all of my friends.

"Okay so...basically Mr. Brandon told me to tell you that you're not allowed to kill unless it's a target for a mission or a serious threat to Alantide." I told the two. They nodded. "That seems reasonable." Sir. Ritchie said. I smiled. "Yeah...oh and, I think you should try not to destroy the island, I always get in trouble for that." I said. Sir. Brandon laughed. "That sounds like you." He said. I huffed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not that bad about it." I mumbled. Mr. Ritchie hummed, draping his arms over my shoulders. "Now, now. I heard you've become better about it." He said. I nodded. "Yep, it's still unstable...I can't really fix that, but I've been able to keep it smaller." I said, proud of myself. He hums. "That's good, I'm happy for you." He said. I felt my face heat up. I'm not used to this...these two are acting a little nicer than normal...I wonder if it's because of what happened before. Either way it's nice...but kind of embarrassing. They get a little weird when they're nice. I've been friends with them long enough to know that. I remember times where they've been much worse then this. These are my best friends...I love them so much.

-The End-

Kind of a weird ending.


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