Unending Sickness, The Curse Revealed?

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Part two of: 'so tired'

Previously: It's been a bit since Ritchie passed away. Inmo was really tired and passed out. Brandon found him mad room him to the infirmary where he took of the boys shirt to find a pitch black mark similar to the blight. Inmo woke up and they found that he was sick.

Inmo's POV
I snuggled under the covers. It felt so strange. Brandon said I was sick. Is this really what being sick feels like? It's never happened before. I groaned, rolling over onto my back. I hated being confined to this room. Brandon comes by to check on me in the morning and at night. But it still feels so lonely. I just want this to end so I can go back to having fun with my friends. 'Would you really call them your friends?' I blinked. Was that a voice just now? Where did it come from. 'Come now boy. Do you really believe anyone would care about you enough to call you their friend?' I tensed. What was this strange voice talking about. Of course they care about me, they're my friends. Right...

This went on for a while. This voice changed topic from my friends and just started calling me things like worthless and stupid. Was it true? I'm not sure. Can I trust that this voice is telling me the truth? What if it is? What should I do? Maybe I should ask Mr. Brandon. 'NO!!! Don't tell anyone about me you idiot!!" The voice commanded. I blinked. "But why?" I questioned. It snarled. 'Because, if you do, they'll think you're crazy and send you to a doctor.' I tensed when it said 'doctor'. I'm actually really scared of doctors. So the thought of being sent to one was enough to shut down my thoughts of telling Brandon. 'That's a good boy.'

Brandon's POV
I look down at him in concern. He was asleep when I came in. The mark had spread up to his face. I was getting more anxious every day. His sickness wasn't getting any better and now this. I sighed. Why was everything going downhill? Is it because I'm not fit to lead the guild? I mean. Ritchie was so strong. He could control two Devils while I could barely control Jupiter, and even got taken over. Now he's not here...I don't know what's going on with David, Lucas is gone, and Inmo...what if he dies from this? No...I can't let that happen. I can't lose him. If I lose him I might just lose my mind. If anything. He's the one keeping me from ending up like Ritchie was when I disappeared. This is because I love him. I couldn't bare it if he died. Maybe I could if Ritchie was still alive. But no. That's not the case.

(Am I obsessed with a Inmo x Brandon?
Yes. Absolutely.)

Inmo's POV
I look out the window. Brandon left food for me but I didn't touch it. 'Why won't you eat? Your crush made it for you.' I continued to stare blankly. "Yeah...But I've been a burden to him. He's still recovering from Sir Ritchie's death. And now I'm worrying him. I don't deserve this kindness from him." I explained. 'If you don't eat he'll worry more.' It replied. I sighed. "You have a point..."

After I ate, I decided I was tired of sitting around all day while Brandon worked. So I'm sneaking up to his office. I know he'll be mad but, I want to help him. Besides, I can move just fine. I pushed the door open. Brandon's head shot up. "What are you doing here?!" He shouted in concern. I stepped into the room. "Um. I came to help you..." I told him, my hands behind my back. His eyes softened. "You should be in bed." He sighed. I hummed. "But I hate being cooped up in there all day. And you've done what you can to help me. I have to repay the favor. He sighed. "Fine. But don't overwork yourself."

I laid on the bed, exhausted from all the writing. My hands and wrists felt sore. "Hey...Mr. voice?" I question. 'Hm?' It hums. "What exactly are you? I mean. Where did you come from?" I asked. This was the first time I actually questioned its existence. 'Oh...well..."

'I am your curse.'

-To Be Continued-


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