Secret Kitty

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Requested by: Zz_Whatever_zZ

Inmo's POV
I was walking around the city, just bored. Mr. Brandon said I'm not allowed to go on quests for a bit, something about it being dangerous. So I came to the city in search of something to do.

I sighed, it was dark out and I still haven't found anything to do. I perked up when I heard a strange noise. I turned to the sound, walking along until a came across a group of people. They were throwing rocks and a small creature. I think it's a cat. I frown. I don't think that's a good thing. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I shouted. They turned to me, eyeing me. Suddenly someone shouted. "He's in a guild, everyone run!" I blinked as they went off running in different directions. Weird. I went over to the cat. It let out a small meow. I reached out to it, it stepped back but it seems to be hurt so it didn't move much. I put my hand on its head, I think that's how you pet cats. "Hey little guy, or girl, it's okay." I assured the cat. It nuzzles into my hand. I chuckled. It's so cute. "What should I call about...Casper?" I questioned. It let out a small meow. I smiled. "All right, Casper it is."

I had a few coins on me so I went out to by some Cat food and get someone to help Casper's wounds. I want to keep him but I don't think the others would let me. I guess I'll just have to hide him.

I hummed, pouring the food into a bowl I got from the kitchen. Casper ran over and immediately starting eating. I laughed. I was told by the vet person that Casper is a boy so at least I know what to call him. I didn't run into anyone on the way here to that's good. Casper will have to stay in my room. I sat on my bed. I hope Casper doesn't get taken away. I finally have a good friend.

I sigh, dragging the huge leather bag full of groceries behind me. I discovered that apparently you need a thing called a litter box for cats to use, and you have to clean it out. So I went out and got that along with some toys and some more food. "Hey Inmo, watcha got there?" Someone shouted. I blinked, turning. I wasn't looking where I was going and ended up walking right past a group of people. I stumbled over my words, trying to come up with a quick lie. "Uh, just some stuff, for myself and nobody else." I said before quickly walking away. No one called after me thankfully.

I sighed, plopping the bag on the floor. Casper came over, jumping into my lap and rubbing against me. "Hey buddy, I brought you some things." I said, moving to get out a toy. It was a ball of feathers on a string, attacked to a stick. He jumped up to get it but I pulled it just out of reach, just like the nice lady who I brought this stuff from told me too.

We went on for hours, trying different toys. I must have fallen asleep eventually because I woke up on the floor with Casper curled up against me. Now I was going through the kitchen. The lady told be that cats sometimes will eat cooked meat and stuff so I decided to see if we had any. I piled a bunch of meat onto a trey. I walked out to the guild hall where several people were. I walked past them. "Inmo, what's with all the meat?" Mr. Brandon asked. I blinked, having come up with a lie ahead of time. "Oh, it's my lunch. I'm really hungry." I answered before continuing walking. "Why don't you come sit with the rest of us?" Lucas asked. I hummed, not expecting to be asked that. "I uh...rather eat alone." I said, hoping they would leave it be. No one else said anything so I left.

I sat the trey down as Casper ran up, sniffing the food. "Now, I'm only supposed to give you small bites. So..." I say, reading off a small piece of chicken and setting it one the floor. He sniffed it before eating it. I smiled, seems he likes the chicken. Now to try the other meat...

I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I jump up. I quickly shoved Jasper under my bed to which he didn't make a sound. I went to open the door to see a few people there. Pebble brains, Mr. Brandon, and Raindrop. "Oh, hey guys!" I greeted with a smile. Mr. Brandon sighed. "Inmo, you've been acting strange recently and Mario here also says there's a weird smell about you." He started off. I blinked. Oh no, they're going to take Casper away. I quickly shook my head. "Nope, I'm not acting weird! Everything's pretty normal." I said. Raindrop sighed. "Look Inmo, even without my ability I can easily tell you're lying. Just tell use what's been going on." He said. My face dropped. Without thinking I stepped back and slammed the door shut. "Inmo, open up!" Mario yelled. "No!" I yelled back, tears in my eyes. Casper ran out from under the bed. He meowed at me. I sighed, picking him up. I sat on my bed, holding him close. The door was thrown off its hinges, Mario bursting in. I flinched. Lucas stepped in, looking around. When he saw me he stepped closer. I inched away, holding Casper tighter. He let out a painful meow. I loosened my grip in response. Mr. Brandon sighed, coming in as well. "All this fuss over a cat, really now?" He questioned, sounding annoyed. I tensed. "Please don't...don't take him away." I begged quietly, looking down. He hummed. "Now why would we do that?" He questioned. I blinked. "You idiot, did you really think we'd take away your dumb pet?" Mario asked. I nodded. Lucas sighed. "Well, regardless, we won't be doing that. You can keep the cat." He said. A small smile formed on my face. "Thank you." I whispered. Mr. Brandon sighed. "Now, both of you are still in trouble. Inmo, you're in trouble for keeping secrets and Mario, you're in trouble for breaking property." He said. I hummed. "Okay Mr. Brandon!" I chirped with a smile. Casper meowed happily.

I introduced the guild to Casper. None of them had problems with him to my relief. He was allowed to roam around the island so he didn't have to stay cooped up in my room. Plus the only way he could get off is my boat which everyone promised to be careful not to let him stowaway when they went out. I'm happy with Casper, happier then ever before.

-The End-

Imagine Casper being a magical cat, pffffft, couldn't be.

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