The Voice Takes Over

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Inmo's POV
My eyes widened. "Curse? What do you mean by curse?" I questioned, confused. He sighed. "The curse you've had since you were born idiot." He hissed. I blinked, I still don't know what he's talking about. I don't remember anything about a curse. Oh well. "So...what does that mean?" I ask. He sighs. "You see. When you had that confrontation with your brother before, you activated the curse. That black mark is part of the curse. Similar to the blight Brandon had before it will slowly consume you." He explained. "I lost you at confrontation." I admitted. He groaned. "You know what. I don't even care at this point. You can just die for all I care." He snapped. I blinked. Why would I die? I didn't get to ponder this very long since Brandon came in. "Hey Inmo. How are you feeling?" He asked. I wanted to ask Brandon if he knew what the voice was talking about but then I remembered that I would be taken to a Doctor if I did. So I just smiled. "I'm great Mr. Brandon!" I exclaimed. He sighed. "I mean, are you still feeling sick?" He asks. I nod. "Yep."I chirped. He looks at me with curious eyes. "The mark spread more. It's almost at your eye." He observed. I blink. "Oh." He sighs. "Do you have any idea why this might be happening? Something to do with being a half-devil maybe?" He questioned. I shook my head. "Nothing." I lied. I hate lying to him but I really don't want to go to a doctor. "Okay then..."

My head was pounding, my eyes were droopy. I relaxed myself into the bed. 'Now Inmo, just sleep, everything will be just fine when you wake up.' The voice assured me. I listened to it, my eyes falling closed.

Voice's POV
I smiled, looking at my hands, one of which was pitch black. I had taken over, temporarily. Inmo will take control back when he wakes in the morning. He was so naive. I'm controlling him perfectly. But now that I'm in control...what should I do? Perhaps mess with Brandon. Inmo doesn't realize it since he doesn't understand love, but he's had a crush on his guild leader for a while now. I can do whatever I want.

I stared at Brandon while he slept. I was thinking about what to do. I could wake him up and just annoy him all night. He probably wouldn't suspect anything wrong if I did that. Maybe I could take it a step further and flirt with him, leading him on, only to be crushed in the morning by Inmo who would have no clue what happened. Or...both...

His eyes blinked open, widening a bit when he saw me. "Inmo? What are you doing here?" He questioned. I shrug. "I don't know." I reply. He blinks before sitting up. "Do you need something?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nope." I respond. He blinks. "" He starts, unsure what to say. I blink at him. "Mr. Brandon?" I ask. He hums. "Why do you have one pink eye but one green eye?" I asked. He tensed. "Um...I got the pink eye when I fought my counterpart...after Jupiter killed him..." He explains, sounding sad. I tilt my head. "Isn't killing bad?" I ask. He hums. "Well yeah..." He agreed. I frown. "Than are you a bad person since you killed someone?" I questioned. His eyes widened. "I-um" He stutters. "I was your body that killed so that makes you a bad person." I went on.

Brandon's POV
I started to shake. He thinks I'm a bad person...I mean...he has a point. I did kill someone, and not just one person either. Does he hate me now? I looked up at him. "I..." I started, I don't know what to say. I guess I can give up on him liking me back. "Could you leave...please?" I asked. He hummed. "Okay Mr. Brandon." He agrees.

Voice's POV
I smirk. Now he would think that Inmo hates him for being a murderer. I wonder how he'll act around Inmo now.

-To Be Continued-


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