Trying To Help

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Inmo's POV


I peek into the dining hall, David said that he had been drinking in here. Sure enough Mr. Brandon was drinking in the same spot I found him asleep earlier. I should have realized something was wrong earlier. 'You're such an idiot.' The voice laughs. I sigh, going over to him. "Mr. Brandon." I start, he looks at me then looks back at his drink, raising it to take another sip. before he can do so I snatch it from his hand. He whines, flopping down on the table. I frown. "Mr. Brandon, what's wrong?" I ask, desperate to know what I did wrong. He huffed, turning away from me. I look at the floor. He doesn't want to talk to me it seems, what should I do? 'Just give up on him, his well-being doesn't matter.' The voice chimes in. I clench the mug I took from him, urging myself not to listen to the voice. "Mr. Brandon...please talk to me." I pleaded. He turned to me with a glare. "Why don't you just go away, you're nothing but a nuisance to me and the rest of the guild." He seethes. I tense. He didn't mean that...did he? 'You know he meant it and you know it's true.' The voice states. I take in a gulp of air, the voice it is true...all I do is annoy everyone and cause problems. "I..." I started to speak but couldn't find the words. Instead I turn from him, walking away, tears in my eyes. As I walk away, David comes in, I push past him, not caring to apologize.

David's POV


I watch as Inmo walks off with tears in his eyes. I turned back to the room, Brandon was there, trying to drink from an empty mug. I walk over to him. "What did you say to Inmo?" I questioned. "I called him a nuisance." He responded. I blinked, why would that make Inmo cry? We call him names all the time. "Anything else?" I questioned. He groaned. "He tried to talk to me and I refused to talk to him." He responded. I sigh. "Could you tell me what Inmo did to make you so upset?" I asked, having had enough with his behavior. He hums. He mumbled something. "What was that?" I asked. "He hates me for being a murderer." He repeated, raising his voice louder then needed. I blinked. "Okay...what exactly happened?" I questioned. He sighed. "Last night he came into my room. He asked about my pink eye and I told him about how Jupiter killed my counterpart. Then he went into a rant about how I'm a murderer since it was my body and how murdering is bad and I'm a bad person and I just know he hates me!" He exclaims, bursting into tears at the end. I blinked, I guess that explains it...that idiot. "Alright then...guess I have an idiot to beat up." I sigh. He jumps up. "No! Don't!" He tried to stop me but I was already gone.

-To Be Continued-

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