Inmo's new Friends Pt: 2

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Richie's Pov:

Richie: I was sitting in my office looking at a request that had come in that morning. It was an SS class mission. Suddenly my brother came into the room.

Brandon: "What you looking at brother?"

Richie: "We got a new SS class mission."

Brandon: "Oh? what's it about?"

Richie: "Someone's been blowing up towns. We have to apprehend whoever's responsible."

Brandon: "This reminds me of a request we got awhile back."

Richie: "Yeah, that was caused by Inmo."

Brandon: "Do you think Inmo's responsible for this?"

Richie: "There's only one way to find out."

~Time Skip Brought to You by The Upside Down Book~

Richie: As we arrived at the latest town to be destroyed we saw that their were a few survivors but they were all injured in some way. "Well, at least there were some survivors."

Brandon: Brandon walked over to some of the survivors and asked some questions. "Do you know who did this?"

Survivor #1: "There were 3 people."

Survivor #2: "Two of them looked like you and that other guy."

Brandon: He realized they were talking about the versions of myself and himself from this world. "and the third?"

Survivor #3: "It was a boy with light purple hair and a tail."

Richie: "So we were right, Inmo is involved." once I said that someone appeared on the roof of one of the still somewhat standing houses.

Inmo: "Took you long enough to figure it out." When he said that the versions of me and my brother appeared beside him."

~Lazy ending~

There was a big fight, The good twins lost, without their guild masters Divinus Magia fell apart.


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