Uppermoon 1

234 4 1

Requested by: Kistune39

??? POV
I sigh, this is ridiculous. These idiots can barely hold their own against some pathetic dragons? I could take them on easily if I wasn't sealed away. Now my pathetic other personality is in control and he's so dumb it makes me sick. I miss the glory days, going around destroying towns as I pleased. No body could stand up to me. After all I was uppermoon 1, the strongest Devil of all. But now I've been reduced to an idiot. Lucky for me...the seal is cracking. I'll be taking over soon...very soon.

Inmo's POV
I frown, looking down at my broken arms. I guess I overused my magic. Weird...what am I going to do? I guess I can use my tail to do things but I can't fight like this meaning I can't train...oh man...boss would be so disappointed in me. I can't believe I let this happen.

I blink, opening my eyes. My arms feel normal again...I hum, using my tail to help remove the casts. I moved my arms around. I feel good as new. Cool! Now I can continue training!

I throw an explosion at the target. I frown when I see the target still standing. No good, I gotta make it disappear! I throw another explosion at it, adding more power to the blast. I smile when it disappears. "Yes, I did it!!" I cheered. I feel...stronger? Have I always been this strong? Wait...did losing that fight with Momo make me stronger?? That'd be so cool! I can't wait to show boss how much stronger I've gotten!

"Mr. Brandon?" I question the figure in the dark. I had come out for fresh air when I spotted him. He turned to me. He looked a little off. He had purplish-black marks under his eyes. "Mr. Brandon are you okay?" I asked. He hummed, coming towards me. "I'm okay...how are you Inmo?" He asked in return. I hum. "Well. I'm all better now and I think I've gotten stronger!" I chirped. He chuckled. "No...that's not what I meant. How are you doing mentally?" He clarified. I blinked. "I don't know? Fine?" I answer although unsure of the answer. He smiles. "That's good. I know everyone's been a bit stressed lately so I'm glad you're still as cheerful as ever." He said. I blinked. Mr. Brandon is acting weird...I think he's tired. Weird. "Oooo. Mr. Brandon. You wanna come see how much stronger I am?" I asked, eager to show off me strength. He nodded.

I looked at the spot where the target used to be. I looked to see Mr.Brandon's reaction. He wasn't looking. "Hey! Did you see it Mr. Brandon?!" I shouted. He jumped up a bit before nodding his head. "Yeah...I saw. Good job Inmo." He praised. I smiled, pleased with myself. I started to run off when I stopped, thinking of something. "Oh yeah, one more thing?" I said. He blinked. "What is it?" He questioned. "Try to get some sleep." I urged before running off.

I looked out into a black void. This feels kind of like the shadow realm but I can move...I don't like it. "Ah...if it isn't my pathetic other half." A voice spoke, it was deep and kind of scary. I stepped back, looking around. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. Before I could do anything it grabbed my face, squeezing it, compelling me not to speak. "So pathetic...seeking appraisal from a weakling, not even questioning strange occurrences. I'm surprised you've made it this far." It said. I'd frown but the way he held my face wouldn't let me. Then I could really see him. He looked like me...but scarier. Much scarier. His eyes were blood-red with a look that said he wanted to squash me like a bug. His hair was long then my and his wasn't cut like mine either. He had horns too...and he wore some black and white clothing. I tensed when I felt his tail wrap around my waist. He released my face. I took in a breath. He smirked. "Now...the seal is broken now...that means I'll be taking over your body." He said. My eyes widen. I don't really know what that means but it doesn't sound like a good thing coming from someone as scary as him. "Please don't!" I begged. He hummed. "Nah, I think I'll do what I want from now on. Although...you can watch while I play around with your little friends." He said, a whimper escaped my mouth. No...he says play but I have a feeling he doesn't mean what I would usually think. Why is this happening?

-To Be Continued-

I'll make a part two at some point- so yeah. I just wanted to get something out for this request.

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