Kidnapped- (Au)

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Couldn't think of a better title.

This will be kind of similar to that one Au in the Fto book where Brandon was taken by the evil twins and controlled by them.
This may have some sexual stuffs, nothing too crazy but you have been warned.

Headcanon I guess: Earthland/Evil Brandon is able to use his magics to insert thoughts into someone's mind, rather then being able to change or add memories as I've had him be able to do in the past. The excess thoughts that the person wouldn't normally think drives this person crazier with the more thoughts he conjures. He can also show people images like he did with Brandon.

I feel the need to express this just so no one gets the wrong idea. I am not shipping Inmo with evil Brandon in this, nor will I ever ship them romantically and/or sexually ever again. As far as I remember the only thing that has that ship is my Devil's tail book because my dumbass didn't realize that Salode Brandon was Aro (not sure if Earthland is too but we're going with that just to be safe) so, just to be absolutely clear. The only ships that are canon in this bio are those that are canon in the series.


"Are you sure about this brother?" A rough voice asked. A laugh came from the other. "Of course Brother! He's so cute and adorable, I must have him. I can't let those abominations keep him!" The other whined. Ritchie sighed. "Dearest Brother, I'm worried your urges will get us in trouble sooner then intended." He said. Brandon frowned. "I promise I won't get bored of this one." He said, giving Ritchie his puppy dog eyes. Ritchie sighed. "You know I can't say no when you give me those eyes." He groaned. Brandon giggled. "I know, that's why I use them."

The twins of Earthland creep around the island, home to their Salode counterparts and their guild. The ex-criminal guild Divinus Magia. Led by the diabolos twins, Ritchie and Brandon. Devil slayers or lightning and air. These twins were from a parallel dimension known as Salode, a place opposite to Earthland in many regards. From the lack of magic compared to Earthland's society that uses magic any many aspects of life, even the average, non-magical humans rely on magical devices, to the people of opposite personality's. For example, the Salode twins are generally on the side of good while the Earthland twins are...not so good, of course there are other differences but I'm sure you'll pick up some of those differences along the way. At the moment, let us focus on their nightly endeavors. Under the moonlight they planned to abduct a member of Divinus Magia, the half-devil and Explosion mage, Inmo. This was a decision made on a whim. Earthland Brandon is know for his...rather abrupt and wild decisions. It's not the first time he's taken a liking to someone, only to be bored of them within a few hours. Well, do I really need to tell you what happened to those people? Ah, didn't think so. Now, how about Inmo?

The moonlight shone threw the window onto the light-purple hair of the sleeping half-devil. His bowl cut that was given to him by his Boss, the 3000 year old Viking, Bourjn, or as he is sometimes called, Zaro. Inmo wanted to be a Viking like Zaro, although the often referred to him as a pirate. I'm truth, Inmo would not be considered smart in anyway. He is often called an idiot and an overall nuisance. His lack of control over his magic has caused a few problems already in his short time at the guild. People, some more then others, tend to make fun of him but for the guild, deep down, they see him as family all the same. That's what Divinus Magia is, a family. Inmo is...cheerful and oblivious. He also tends to have mood swings. One moment he'll act all high and mighty the next he might be shy or flustered. He has a tail, as a half-devil, I should probably mention that no one in the guild is aware of his half-devil nature but that doesn't really concern this story. Sometimes you'll see his tail wag like a cat or dog when he gets happy or excited. In fact, one could compare him to a cat in several ways. From his tail, to his cat-like left eye to his destructive and determined nature. Anyways, enough with character introductions. You all came here for a story. Let's get into it.

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