02 | Midnight Homework

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"Komori, Where are you going? Our dorms are that way." Kiyoomi said to the boy who was walking the opposite way. 

"Sakusa, We're not in the same dorm." Motoya replied. 

Motoya stood there as he watches Kiyoomi not move anymore. The other players were looking at Motoya as if they were asking if they should summon him back to earth, Motoya shook his head proceeding to tell them its fine. 

"Omi?" Kiyoomi heard a familiar voice and turns around to find the blonde haired boy.

"Miya." Kiyoomi responded to him. 

"Omi, Stop calling me Miya. We're literally the same age, No need for the formalities." 

Kiyoomi didn't respond, He turned his head to Motoya's direction but he wasn't there anymore. Motoya had left with the other players, He was left alone with Atsumu. 

"Omi, you're ignoring me again." Atsumu said as he noticed Kiyoomi's dorm key was familiar. 

"Omi..You're my roommate? " 

"What?!" Kiyoomi finally responded to Atsumu. 

"Whoa, no need to react like that, Omi-kun." 

Kiyoomi couldn't do this anymore, He wished he never came when he found out that you can't choose your roommate, but you can't turn back time no matter what. 

"Let's go to our dorm, Omi." The blonde hair boy grabbed Kiyoomi's left hand. Kiyoomi tried pulling away, but Atsumu's grip was too hard for him to pull back. 

"Wait, what's our dorm number again?" Atsumu suddenly turned around. 

"Are you a goldfish with 3 seconds of memory?" Kiyoomi responded as he took out the dorm key. 

"Omi, That's really mean. Try not being so mean will you." 

"The dorm's number is 3046."

The two males walked a bit more to finally find their room at the end of the hallway. Atsumu opened the dorm door, there was a bedroom and a bathroom. Kiyoomi was praying that the bedroom had 2 beds instead of 1. When he finally opened his eyes, There was 2 beds in the dorm that Kiyoomi sighed in relief.

"Omi, do you wanna shower first? I'm gonna put my clothes in the closet first." He heard Atsumu say.

"I'll go shower first then." Kiyoomi said as he put his bag down and grabbed some clothes from his bag. 

Kiyoomi took a quick shower and opened the bathroom door and saw he was alone in the dorm room.  He sat down on his desk and looked at the notes on table for his studies, even though it was a training camp, He would still study before heading to bed. He was listening to music when the dorm door was knocked by someone.

"Omi-kun, open the door please. I forgot the keys."  Atsumu said as he was knocking on the door. 

He opened the door while Atsumu barged in with snacks in his hands. Kiyoomi stood there with a cup in his hands and drank his drink. Atsumu turned to Kiyoomi's way and saw he was looking at him with glasses on. 

"You wear glasses?" The hazel eyed boy said.

"What else am I wearing? Shoes on my face?" Kiyoomi responded. 

"Omi, you wound my heart." 

The room remained silent for a while before Kiyoomi sat back into his chair to continue studying, Atsumu stored the food in his closet and took a quick shower. Atsumu came out of the shower and was staring in his phone, he was staring as if something was wrong. 

"Stare any closer to your phone and you'll go blind." Kiyoomi said as he looked at Atsumu. 

"Theres homework even though I'm at practice." 

Kiyoomi only looked at him silently, he continued studying his notes while Atsumu took out some books and did his homework. It was 11:30 pm, Atsumu had already fallen asleep on his desk and Kiyoomi finally raised his head after a few hours had pass. 

He stood up and walked over to Atsumu desk. Atsumu was already fast asleep but some of the questions were incorrect, Kiyoomi took Atsumu's blanket ant covered him in it. He took the homework and corrected the wrong questions. 

When Atsumu finally woke up, it was already 6:30 in the morning. The blanket covering him fell on the floor and his desk wasn't as messy when he fell asleep. There was a bookmark in the book that he did his homework in. He opened it, and there was a few notes attached on the book. There were the correct answers that Kiyoomi had corrected. 

Atsumu stood up, folded the blanket and got some clothing for training. He went in the bathroom, did some simple cleaning and tried waking up Kiyoomi. 

"Omi-kun, wake up. We're gonna be late for breakfast." 

"5 more minutes, Komori.." He heard Kiyoomi mumbling. 

"Omi, you're gonna miss breakfast."  Atsumu tried pulling his blanket off. 

After struggling for another 5 minutes, Kiyoomi finally woke up. 

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