34 | Sakusa Household

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"Welcome home." Mrs. Sakusa said. 

"Good morning mom." Keigo said, cheerfully.

"It seemed like you guys had quite the fun at the Miya household?" Mrs. Sakusa said, smiling very brightly. 

The children could see how Mr. Sakusa was also seated on the couch drowsily. It had been some time since their parents did something together since Mr. Sakusa was barely home.  

Mrs. Sakusa was a mother ever since she entered her 20's. She wasn't afraid that her children would live without a father, she was only afraid that her children would starve and live with no roof to shelter them. 

Instead of running away and breaking up with Mrs. Sakusa, Mr. Sakusa chose to stay with her for the next 19 years. They ended up having the older two while Kiyoomi was born three years later on March 20th. 

Mr. Sakusa was a man who only lacked power to express his affection towards his family. Other then that, he wasn't very sure on how to show his children and wife affection. Thus, it led him to overworking himself and not being able to spend time with his family.

Mrs. Sakusa didn't really mind her husband acting affectionate once in a while since this was how he behaved when they were still dating. He was only a year older then her when they met during college years.

Kiyoomi could barely remember any memories with his father since he was never really home, he mostly spent time at home with Mrs. Sakusa or with Motoya. Motoya's parents would often bring him over so that they could lean on each other when they need it. 

After a while, Motoya's parents decided to leave him at the Sakusa household since they gradually became busier due to work. They would still visit Motoya whenever time allowed it, Motoya still preferred to spend more time his his cousin rather then his parents.

"Big sister, I'm sorry to leave Motoya with you." Mrs. Sakusa's younger sister said to her as she was sobbing silently, trying very hard to not wake up Motoya.

"Don't cry. Motoya still asleep, he'll wake up to finding his mom crying like a child. When he wakes up and cry, I'll end up having to comfort two kids." Mrs. Sakusa said, carrying little Motoya in her arms, who just celebrated his 5th birthday. He was sleeping very soundly. 

"I'll be leaving now, Big sister." Mrs. Sakusa said. "Mom and Dad will come home soon, Motoya. Be good, my child." She continued, kissing his forehead before taking a quick glance at him and left the house. 

That was how Motoya ended up living in the Sakusa household. It was simple for him to adapt to this new family since he was often brought here to have fun with Kiyoomi. Motoya would cry sometimes due to how he had not seen his parents for a while, but  Kiyoomi would comfort him like how Motoya was there for him. 

After some time, Motoya wouldn't cry to look for his parents anymore, he had Kiyoomi who he could lean on at times. Kiyoomi wouldn't really mind since he was used to it. 

Motoya and Kiyoomi got dressed up and left for school, it was incredible to the older twins on how they could keep up with school without dozing off in the middle of class.

"Komori-san, are you really sure Captain isn't sick? He's changed a lot." One of the first year's said to the brown haired boy.

"Oh, that." Motoya said, not really sure on how to tell them that Kiyoomi started dating his crush and is currently in a very healthy relationship.

"Right? I thought I was the only one who had that feeling. I feel like Captain is becoming very gentle now." A second year said, standing next to the first year.

"What do you mean by 'Sakusa is slowly becoming more gentle.' He was always this gentle, you've just never seen it." A female student said. 

"You're saying that because you like Captain." The first year said towards the girl.

"What nonsense you saying!" The female student said. 

"If you like Sakusa, it's best you give up if I have to be honest." Motoya said, breaking up the argument of the two first years.

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