56 | Photo Frame

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"Good morning Tsumu." Rintaro greeted the blonde while he was playing Mario Kart with Osamu on the television.

"It's 6 in the evening, Rin." Atsumu said, sitting up as he rubbed his eyes.

"You're not wrong, but you slept from 12 in the afternoon to 6 in the evening. Aren't you gonna struggle to sleep later at night?" Rintaro said, placing his gaming console down as the grey haired boy loses the round of Mario Kart.

"I'll fall asleep either way later." Atsumu replied. 

"Rintaro, are you staying for dinner?"Mrs. Miya shouted from the kitchen. 

"I am staying for dinner, mom and dad went out to visit grandma with my sister." Rintaro shouted, standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go help mom with dinner." Osamu said, standing up from his seat, stretching his arms up for a bit. 

"Ok." Atsumu said, picking up a book on the shelf next to the couch, before knocking a photo frame onto the floor.

"Tsumu?" Mrs. Miya said, rushing towards Atsumu who was in the living room.

"Is everything ok?" Rintaro said, peeping his head out of the kitchen door frame.

"Tsumu? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Mr. Miya rushed in the house without washing his hands from gardening.

"Uh, Yea. I'm ok I just knocked down the photo frame." Tsumu said, putting down the book on the coffee table before squatting down to pick up the glass on the floor.

"You clumsy child, who told you to pick up glass that's shattered on the floor with your bare hands?" Mrs. Miya said, helping Tsumu get up as Mr. Miya took out a broom and newspaper to wrap the glass to prevent anyone getting hurt.

As realization hit Atsumu, he took a glance on his palm that was slightly slid from the glass piece. 

"Tsumu, You're bleeding." Mrs. Miya said, holding Atsumu's hand gently as she pulled him over to couch and made him sit on the couch while she grabs the first aid kit.

"Let me see your palm, Tsumu." Osamu said as he wiped the water off his hands.

"Oh, yea. Here." Atsumu said, showing his palm to his younger twin whose eyebrows had already formed the kanji eight.

"Does it still hurt..?" Osamu said, before a drop of blood dripped on the blonde's palm.

"Eh?" Atsumu said, not realising he was having a nosebleed. 

"Don't move I'll get the tissue." Rintaro said, rushing to look for tissues. 

"Oh my, Rin?" Mrs. Miya jumped, as Rintaro suddenly ran past her. 

"Sorry, Mrs. Miya!" Rintaro shouted, rushing to the toilet. 

Author's note!

Hello everyone, sorry for the disappearance for 3 months? I've been a bit caught up with school stuff and was really pressured by everything at the same time so I wasn't really in the right mood to do anything. 

I'm very sorry that this happened, I'll try to update every Sunday but in advance, please forgive me if I'm unable to update. 

Have a wonderful day! 

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