13 | Welcome home

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Kiyoomi was waiting for Atsumu to text him back while Motoya had already fallen asleep. After  a while of waiting, Atsumu texted Kiyoomi asking if he had fallen asleep. 

"No, I didn't fall asleep. Komori fell asleep though." Kiyoomi answered towards the blonde haired boys question. 

"Osamu is over at Suna's house, so I have the whole house to myself." Atsumu continued. 

"If we could, we would have stayed over more. Sadly, we have class tomorrow." Kiyoomi texted.

"At least we can text rather then waiting for the next holidays to arrive." Kiyoomi continued before Atsumu could answer. 

They chatted for hours until Kiyoomi and Motoya reached the station they had to get off. Kiyoomi woke Motoya up and the two still had to walk for a 10 minute before getting home. Motoya was still drowsy after sleeping for so long, Kiyoomi on the hand was texting Atsumu like they could never stop texting. 

The two boys had finally reached home and was greeted by Kiyoomi's mother. 

"Welcome back, Boys. How was your stay at the Miya's household?" She said as she holds out her hand asking for the bags of the two. 

"It was great. Wait, Auntie how do you know we were staying at the Twins house?" Motoya answered. 

"Kiyoomi told me over text about it. It seemed like He was very happy staying there." Kiyoomi's mother said while feeling relieved that her son was having fun with other people.

Kiyoomi went upstairs to his room before he heard the conversation between his mother and Motoya. In his mind, it was still filled with Atsumu. Atsumu told Kiyoomi that he was sfeeling sleepy and went ahead to sleep first. 

"Good night Tsumu." Kiyoomi sent the text and set his phone down. 

"Kiyoomi." His mother knocked while calling out his name. 

"You can come in." Kiyoomi said. 

"I heard Motoya said, You were having fun with a boy named Atsumu. He also said It seemed like you liked him more then a friend."  She said as she sat down on his bed. 

"Komori is spitting nonsense again. Don't listen to him, Mom." Kiyoomi answered. 

"Alright, Kiyoomi. You have school tomorrow, what do you want for lunch?" She asked before leaving his bedroom. 

"Onigiri?" Kiyoomi answered while deciding. 

"Ok, Good night my dear son." She said before closing the door behind her. 

"Good night Mom." He said.

The next morning arrived as Kiyoomi was woken up by a notification from his phone.

"Good morning, Omi-kun." Atsumu sent. 

"Good morning, Tsumu." Kiyoomi answered as he sat up. 

"Did you just wake up?" Atsumu asked the black haired boy.  

"Yes. What are you doing so early?" Kiyoomi asked. 

"Morning Practice, Suna and Osamu are beside me." 

"Sakusa, get up we have school today." Komori knocked on his door while saying. 

"Yes, Yes I'm up." Kiyoomi answered the boy outside his bedroom door.

"I have to go get ready for class, be careful on your way to school, Tsumu" Kiyoomi said before setting his phone on the table. 

Atsumu looked at his phone after Kiyoomi sent the message and putted his phone in his pocket. Kiyoomi and Atsumu didn't talk until school lunch breaks or in the middle of breaks of practice, They would often get scolded by the coaches whenever they weren't paying attention.

 "Osamu, what's up with Tsumu? He's never been so hooked up with his phone." Akagi questioned the younger twin. 

"Probably chatting with Sakusa, he's been like that ever since winter holidays ended. I guess you could say, he's pretty hooked up with Sakusa." Osamu answered to the Liberno. 

"The Sakusa from the top 3 aces?" he asked. 

"Boys, break is over. back to practice." Their coach yelled, enough to fill the whole gym with his echo. 

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