14 | Something doesn't feel right

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Morning practice was over at 9 in the morning, Motoya and the other members from the boys volleyball club were cleaning up the gym after morning practice. Kiyoomi was sat down against the wall looking at his phone. 

"Momori, Are you sure Sakusa is unwell? He has been sitting there ever since practice ended." Lizuna whispered over to the brown haired boy. 

"He's definitely  fine, Captain. He's just waiting for someone." Motoya answered the boy. 

"Omi-kun?" Atsumu texted Kiyoomi who had been waiting for quite some time.

"Yes Tsumu?" Kiyoomi replied. 

"Komori, Is Sakusa smiling or am I blind?" Lizuna whispered when he took a glance at Kiyoomi's direction. 

"Seems like he smiling." Motoya answered. 

"That person has Sakusa head over heels for them, that's a rare site." Lizuna continued. 

The two continued chatting as they were still cleaning up until they had finally finished, Motoya sat down next to Kiyoomi and took a small glance on his phone. Motoya was right, He was definitely chatting with Atsumu. 

"Seems like your having fun." Motoya said, making Kiyoomi jump a little. 

"Let's go eat some stuff, I don't want to starve." Motoya said as he stood up. 

"Seems like practice is finally over." Rintaro said. 

"Tsumu?" Osamu saw the blonde haired boy sat on the floor while holding his phone.

"Let's clean up first." Ojiro said to the three who were gathered together. 

"Alright. Tsumu let's go clean up first." Osamu said as he poked the Atsumu's forehead. 

After cleaning up the gym, the boys grabbed a bit of food and refilled the energy to get ready for classes. Atsumu was in a different class while the other two were in the same class, They parted ways and went to their own class. 

Atsumu was seated in the seat texting Kiyoomi until the teacher came in, The two agreed to chat after classes. Lunch break soon came, Osamu and Rintaro went in Atsumu's classroom to find him on his phone again. 

"Are you planning on starving?" Osamu said as Rintaro snatched away Atsumu's phone." 

"Seems like your head over heels for Sakusa though." Rintaro said. 

"Let's go grab lunch, I'm gonna starve soon and give me my phone, Suna." Atsumu said holding out his palm.

"You can have it after we finish lunch, You didn't get to eat earlier since you were busy texting Sakusa." Osamu said as he smacked his brother's palm. 

"Sometimes I'm not sure who's the older twin anymore." Rintaro said as he dragged the twins out of the classroom towards the cafeteria.

 The three found a quiet spot and sat down. Osamu bought extra food for Atsumu worried he might not be full, Rintaro nearly fell asleep from eating but was soon woken up by Osamu. 

"Atsumu might be right about how you're fit for being a mother." Rintaro said while rubbing his eyes. 

"I mean, Suna is my future brother in law, I don't see the problem here." Atumu said while his mouth was still full.

"I will commit murder on you both if you don't shut up." The grey haired boy said to his lover and his brother.

It was silent for a while as Atsumu was starring into the clear sky while Rintaro was asleep. Osamu took a glance at Atsumu as he brushed his hands through Rintaro's hair. 

"Talking about future in laws, when are you gonna get me a sister or brother in law? Of course I don't mind Sakusa becoming my future brother in law." Osamu said. 

"Are you sure you want him to become your brother in law or you simply just want to bully him when we play games?" Atsumu answered. 

"Both, it quite depends on what you think of him. As long as your happy with him, you don't have to worry about us disapproving your relationship with him." Osamu answered his dearest twin brother. 

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