05 | Time had flew

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"They're inseparable, huh?" Korai said while looking over towards the direction of Kiyoomi and Atsumu. 

"I don't even think they met for 2 days now." He continued. 

After the boys had finished dinner, they had parted ways and walked back to their dorms. Atsumu was playing a video game with Rintaro and Osamu while Kiyoomi was reading a novel. 

"Stop teaming on me, the both of you literally have to stop. I'm telling Kita-san you guys are bullying me." Atsumu said. 

"Tell me what?" Shinsuke said behind Osamu.

Kiyoomi looked over to Atsumu who already froze when he heard his captain's voice. On the other hand of Rintaro and Osamu, they asked Shinsuke for his help due to how their exams were gonna be held after a week when training camp ends. 

"Atsumu?" Kiyoomi tried shaking Atsumu waiting for his response. 

The video game continued and Kiyoomi took Atsumu's phone and played for a bit and beat Osamu and Rintarou together who were teaming against Atsumu. 

"Omi-kun, You're pretty good at the game. You played it before?" Atsumu asked the curly haired boy. 

"No, This is my first time playing." 

"Did you just say this is your first time playing?" Rintaro asked on the other side. 

"The mic was unmuted?" Kiyoomi asked Atsumu who still had the earphones around his ears, they both stayed in silence and played together with the other two. 

That was Kiyoomi's first time meeting Atsumu's twin brother as well as his brother's crush. Before they knew it, time had flew. Training camp was on the last day and they had to return to their own schools tomorrow. 


"What's wrong?" 

"We're going home tomorrow, don't miss me too much." 

"Don't be an idiot, Tsumu. We'll meet after you finish your exams." 

"After my exams? What does that mean?" Atsumu turned from the other side of his bed while questioning Kiyoomi. 

"You'll see when you finish them." Kiyoomi answered to the blonde male and sat on his bed. 

Atsumu gave Kiyoomi his phone and left Kiyoomi in confusion for a while until Atsumu told him to give him his phone number so they could at least stay in contact until they meet again. 

The two chatted for the rest of the night in bed until Atsumu fell asleep, Kiyoomi stood up and covered Atsumu with a blanket. While he was tucking him in the blanket, It had also reminded him how he did this on the second night as well. 

"Omi wake up." Atsumu tried shaking Kiyoomi's body to wake him up. 

After struggling for a while, Atsumu poked the boy's cheek. Atsumu sat on the bed, he tried as many ideas as he could think of but the boy was still asleep. 

"Omi-kun, you're gonna miss the train to get back to school." 

"5 more minutes." 

Atsumu sat on the bed next to Kiyoomi while chatting to Osamu and Rintaro. Kiyoomi was rolling around the bed, the blanket soon fell off the bed and Atsumu had to pick it up for him. 

"Omi-kun, it's time to wake up. 5 minutes is up." 

Kiyoomi rubbed his eyes and sat up next to Atsumu, They both were looking at the messages RIntaro and Osamu had sent a while ago. All of a sudden, Their room door opened and it was Motoya as well as the other two. 

"SAKUSA-" Motoya froze. 

"Komori? What's wrong-" Hoshiumi went in their room, finding the sight of Kiyoomi's head on Atsumu's shoulder. Tobio followed in and didn't seem to bother to see the two together. 

"Sakusa, we're gonna miss the train if you keep lying there." Motoya said to the boy who was still leaning on Atsumu's shoulder. 

Kiyoomi finally got up and went to wash up, Atsumu was folding the bed sheets while the others just sat around. Atsumu packed up his books and a little note slipped off, it was the note that Kiyoomi had written. He putted the note back in the book and continued packing.

Kiyoomi came out after a while, He had already packed up everything last night before going to bed. The five left the room together and exchanged contacts while heading to the train station. 

They five had broke into five groups and returned to their own schools. Atsumu was on the phone with Osamu telling him, he was on his way back to school. Osamu said back to Atsumu saying he was waiting with Rintaro at the train station. 

"Hello? Whose this?" Atsumu had received a text from someone.

"Did you not list my name on the contacts, Tsumu?" 

"Is this Omi?" 

"Yea, there's still half an hour till I reach my school." Kiyoomi answered. 

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