16 | How do you feel?

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"Do you know how to do it now?" Kiyoomi asked the blonde haired boy through the video call they were having at late night.

"Yea, I understand now." Atsumu answered towards Kiyoomi's question. 

"Seems like Sakusa's obsessed with Atsumu." Komori texted a group chat with Osamu, Rintaro and himself.

"We can hear them talking about math questions, Is that a ideal type Sakusa likes?" Rintaro said while lying down next to Osamu.

"I never knew that." Motoya frowned. 

Atsumu went down to grab a glass of water after sitting in front of his desk for hours, he was grateful that Kiyoomi could help him with his homework or else he would have gotten a lecture from the math teacher again. 

"Atsumu?" The twin's mother said. 

"What's wrong mom?" Atsumu answered. 

"I heard from Rintaro that you like a boy from another school?" She questioned the blonde haired boy.

 "I'm not so sure my self that I like Omi or not." Atsumu responded. 

"Do you want to talk about it? If you're not comfortable with talking about it now, then Do you know how do you feel around the boy?" She continued. 

Atsumu stayed silent after hearing his mother's words, Osamu had said the same thing and he knew his family would support him no matter what decision he made. 

The twin's mother watched her eldest son think thoroughly about her words, She patted his head and handed him a glass of water. 

"It's fine to like boys, Me and your father only wish that you both grow up happily and healthily." She finally said to her eldest son. 

"Thanks, mom." Atsumu answered to his mother's words and went back to his bedroom.

"Sakusa, Do you want some fruits?" Motoya knocked on his room door while asking. 

"No, I'm good." Kiyoomi answered towards the brown haired boy. 

"Aunty, Sakusa said he doesn't want any." He said to Kiyoomi's mother.

"Did something perhaps happen to him, Motoya?" Kiyoomi's mother said. 

"No? He's perfectly fine, Aunty." Motoya answered. 

"It's just that He's been smiling more towards his phone lately. I wonder if it's someone he likes?" She continued. 

"Kiyoomi has someone he likes?" Kiyoomi's older sister said. 

"Isn't that nice? Motoya, do you know anything about it?" Kiyoomi's older brother said coming down from the stairs. 

Motoya stayed silent towards the other three who asked a question which was not his place to answer. Before, The other three adults could say anything, Kiyoomi came down smiling at his phone which got His sister's attention. 

"Who are you chatting with, Kiyoomi?" She asked the younger boy whose smile faded away after his phone got taken away.

"Omi-kun? Are you still there?"Atsumu asked but no one answered. 

"Whose this?" Kiyoomi's older brother asked.

"I'm Miya Atsumu?" Atsumu answered towards someone he didn't know. 

"Tsumu, End the call. I'll call you back later." Kiyoomi shouted while trying to get his phone back from his siblings. 

"Oh, Alright then?" Atsumu answered in a confused state but still did what Kiyoomi had asked him to do. 

"Was that your friend, Kiyoomi?" His mother asked. 

"Yea." Kiyoomi answered. 

"He must be a close friend of yours to get you smiling so much." Kiyoomi's mother continued. 

Kiyoomi stayed silent and stored his phone into his pocket while listening to his mother talked to him. Kiyoomi's older siblings eventually sat down as well to listen to their mother talk, Mootya was also listening.

"Well, we're gonna head back to our rooms now." Kiyoomi's older siblings said as they got up from the couch.

"I'm gonna go to my room as well, Goodnight Aunty." Mootya said as he hurried towards the stairs and left Kiyoomi and his mother in the living room.

"Kiyoomi, Do you perhaps like the boy?" Kiyoomi's mother asked. 

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