09 | It's snowing

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After nearly an hour, Inarizaki won 2 matches out of 3 matches. Since it was still snowing, The schools had winter breaks that gave Atsumu an idea to invite Motoya and Kiyoomi over to the twins house. 

"Komori, are you gonna come with us?" Atsumu turned over to look at Motoya who was talking with Osamu and Rintaro.

"Yea, I've got nothing to do anyway." Motoya answered. 

"I need to tell mom first." Kiyoomi took out his phone in his pocket. 

The five arrived at the twins house after a bit more walking, they settled down their stuff and switched on the heater. 

Osamu prepared some warm tea while Atsumu was cleaning the dust in the guest room, Rintarou and the other two were playing some video games to kill time. 

"Sakusa, are you sure you're not cheating?" Motoya turned over to the black haired boy who had almost won all the games. 

"I've never seen anyone this good at games besides Osamu." Rintaro putted the controller  down.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" Osamu came out with tea in his hands. 

"Suna, Are you staying over again?" Atsumu came out of the guest room and sat next to Kiyoomi.

"Is that a question? Of course I'm staying."  Rintaro answered. 

"But there's no place to sleep, Me and Sakusa took the guest room though." Motoya said while drinking the warm tea. 

"Who said he's sleeping in the guest room? He sleeps with Osamu whenever he stays here." The blonde haired boy said. 

The room turned silent after Atsumu spitted those words out, Rintaro didn't really care if Atsumu said it to the other two. Good thing was Osamu went ahead and took a shower before Atusmu said it. 

It was in the evening when it began snowing, The five of them was just watching some stuff on the television. 

"Osamu, Suna. Wanna head outside and make some snow mans?" Atsumu asked the other two. 

"Why not, we could also have a snow ball fight like how we did it last year." Rintaro answered the blonde haired boy's question. 

"Do you mind if I join?" Motoya said to the other three. 

"Sure, the more the merrier." The grey haired boy said. 

"Omi, do you want to join?" Atsumu turned over to the boy next to him.

"Ok." Kiyoomi answered. 

The five of them wore thicker clothes before going outside, Osamu and Rintaro started building a snow man while Motoya was busy making snowballs to throw at Kiyoomi. Atsumu was rolling up some snow to make a snow man, Kiyoomi sat on the house step while it started snowed. 

"It's snowing again." Rintaro held out his hand to catch the snow.

Motoya threw a snow ball at Kiyoomi when Kiyoomi was enjoying the snow. Kiyoomi got up at collected some, made it to a snowball and threw the snow ball towards Motoya but the person who got hit by the snowball was Osamu. 

The other three stopped what they were doing and threw snowballs at each other, this lasted for another 20 minutes before Motoya slipped. Rintaro, Osamu and Atsumu gathered to check if Motoya was ok but Motoya continued lying down on the snow and made snow angels. 

After spending 30 minutes outside in the snow, they finally got up and went inside to the warm house. Osamu and Motoya went ahead to shower after getting snow in their clothes, Kiyoomi and Atsumu was in Atsumu's room looking around.

"I expected your room to be a bit messy but I never thought it was clean." Kiyoomi said as he sat on Atsumu's bed. 

"Is that a compliment?" Atsumu asked while he sat on the floor. 

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