04 | What are you guys doing here?

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Atsumu continued lying down on the floor for a moment when he saw a head popping up from above. 

"Are you really not gonna help me?" Kiyoomi asked the boy. 


Kiyoomi walked away without saying anything, he picked up some balls and threw them to the basket. Atsumu sat up while he drank some water. he looked around the gym and Kiyoomi was already finished cleaning. 


"Yea, what's wrong, Miya?" 

"Are you seriously still calling me that?" 

"Let's go back to the dorms." 

"Don't try to change the subject, Omi-kun." 

Atsumu stood up and collected his stuff, He walked over to the black haired male who was waiting at the exit of the gym. Atsumu was on his phone to check the messages his twin brother had sent, they were some school notes and more school work.

"What's wrong?" Kiyoomi said to Atsumu. 

"Nothing's wrong though." 

"You look like your about to commit murder." 

"The teacher gave more homework." 

Atsumu showed Kiyoomi his phone, Kiyoomi was confused when he saw a boy in a femboy outfit on his phone. 

"Atsumu.. are you sure that's school work?" 

"Hm?" Atsumu looked at his phone and saw Suna in a femboy outfit. 

"Hold up. Omi-kun, did you just call me 'Atsumu?' " 

Kiyoomi froze for a second or two, he ran away from Atsumu when he realized what he just called the blonde male. Atsumu was chasing behind Kiyoomi asking him to slow down, while trying to run away the teacher had yelled at them for running in the halls. 

The two boys walked together back to the dorms while chatting about Atsumu's teammates. They had finally reached their dorm, they putted their stuff down and Kiyoomi went to shower first. Kiyoomi came out of the bathroom, He walked over to the blonde boy who had earphones in his ears while writing down something.


"Omi? What's wrong?" Atsumu was confused at first. 

"This one is wrong, it's.." Kiyoomi was correcting the wrong answers, but this time he was telling Atsumu how to do it instead of writing it down on a sticky note.

After a while, Atsumu managed to get his math homework done with Kiyoomi's help. Right when Kiyoomi stood up, someone had knocked on their dorm door, It was Motoya, Tobio and Korai. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Atsumu's head peeked out behind Kiyoomi's back. 

"Just came to have a little fun." Korai said as he walked in their dorm. 

Their dorm room was surprisingly clean although the table was a mess with books everywhere. Kiyoomi cleaned the table while Atsumu showered, Kiyoomi soon sat down with the other 3 and started chatting with them. 

"I thought you hated getting close to people?" Motoya said to his cousin who was sat next to him. 

"I do, why?" Kiyoomi replied.

It went silent after hearing Kiyoomi's answer towards his question, Atsumu came out of the shower while wondering why it was silent. Just before he could say anything, Kiyoomi had told him to go dry his hair. 

"Then, what's with you and Atsumu-san?"Motoya asked.

"What do you mean?" 

"You both are really close, like no distance at all. Considering this is the first time you both are meeting." Korai continued. 

"Maybe Sakusa-san is comfortable with Atsumu-san?" Tobio tried guessing.

Kiyoomi continued being in silence, Atsumu on the other hand came out with half dry. Motoya and Korai were still discussing about the problem while Tobio was sat in silence. Kiyoomi dragged Atsumu to the hair dryer and helped him dry his hair. After that, It was time for dinner. 

"Is it dried?" Atsumu asked the boy who was behind him.

"Almost, sit still don't move around." 

Right when they were about to leave the dorm, Atsumu gave Kiyoomi his mask though he has never forgotten to grab his mask before leaving. 

"Even though they only met for two days, they look like a couple for some reason." Korai said to Motoya. 

"Did you forget your phone?" Kiyoomi asked the blonde boy. 

"It's right here." Atsumu said as he pulled out his phone. 

They reached the cafeteria and grabbed some food. The three sat together like how they did while the other two was sitting together as well. 

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