Young Love

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Summary: Spencer helps Reader clean out their childhood attic, leading to some very interesting discoveries from growing up together.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Spence." You opened the door to the house you spent your childhood years in.

"God, I haven't seen this place in years," he said, chuckling.

"I guess neither of us have had much spare time to come to Vegas, huh?"

"Not really."

"Nevermind that, we need to clean this place out before the buyers come in." You sighed.

"All good?"

"Just weird that this place is gonna go."

He hesitantly placed a hand on your shoulder, leaving it there when he saw it comforted you. "It'll be alright. Besides, going through attics can be fun..?"

You giggled. "Let's go."

"Oh my god," you murmured, holding up a little tutu.

"I forgot you did ballet!"

"So did I..."

Spencer held it up. "You were tiny."

"So were you."


"I'll probably just donate it."

"You should keep it."


"Maybe for a future kid or something."

You nodded slowly, putting it into a box. "Alright, I will."

"Y/N, look!" He held up a photo frame that showed the both of you as 6 year olds. You had ice cream all over your face and were intentionally dabbing some onto Spencer's, who was holding his book away and laughing.

"Man, you were a mint chip lover from day one."

"The green really brought out my eyes," he joked.

You took the frame, smiling softly at it. "Simpler times."


"Put it in the keep box."

"Could I...hold onto it?"

"No way." He frowned. "I'm kidding, of course you can."


You opened another box, gasping.

"What is it?"

"Our yearbooks!"

Spencer knelt down next to you, watching as you blew off the dust. "I graduated by then."

You snickered. "I know but..." You flipped through the pages of your senior yearbook until it hit the prom page. "You came back just so I wouldn't have to go alone."

Spencer looked at the photo of you both smiling brightly in front of the little backdrop. He forgot how pretty you had always been. "That was the best and worst night of my life."

"That's fair."

"I didn't look particularly good with punch in my hair."

"It was Bradley Harrison who did that, right?"

He nodded.

"If it's any consolation, I found out he got arrested the other week."

Spencer grinned. "Karma's a bitch."

"Yes, sir!"

"'s from when we were in first grade."

"Ah, your final year of normalcy before skipping like 50 grades."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now