Chapter 53

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"Hey Baby." Sam chirped through the phone. I smiled playing with the curls in my hair.

"Hey Sam." I laugh sitting on the end of my bed.

"I have surprise planned for you tonight so wear something fancy." he said.

I nod to myself responding, "pick me up at 8." I end the call, throwing my phone on my bed.

"Kenzie what would you wear on a dinner date with a sexy fuckboy?" I ask rubbing my hand against my forehead.

She laughed, "something sexy so he would bang me in the backseat of his car." she replied. I laughed at her answer.

I go through my closet looking at all the possible suggestions. I found a few dresses I might like but then again, they looked to casual. My finally landed on something that had interested me. {{outfit ontop}}

I put my hair in a braided bun and added light makeup. I grabbed my handbag, checking myself out in the mirror but mostly my ass. Have to make sure it looks sexy for my boo. I'm not the only girl who does that right?

"It's 8:04 he's not coming." I panic pacing back and forth. Kenzie rolled her eyes with a smug smile on her face.

"You have no chill." she groaned. I picked at my nails till I heard a honk come from outside. I sigh in relief opening the curtains to see my sexy boyfriend leaning on a black stretch limo. I smile blowing him a kiss through the window.

"Bye Kenz. See you in a few." I smile and walk out the door. I walk towards Sam and a smile was on his face.

"You look so fucking beautiful." he whispered and lightly began nibbling at my earlobe. I giggle tugging on his tie.

"And you looking sexy." I peck his lips.

He let go of my waist, opening up the door, "after you my lady." I curtsy with a cheesy smile on my face.

We arrive at the restaurant and sit at out table outside. It's just him and I, tonight, together, just like it should be.

"Sam as much as I love this, why did you want to take me out tonight. Not complaining it's amazing." I ask crossing my right leg over the other.

"Well I have something really important I need to ask you." he said grabbing my hand from across the table. I smile as he brings our hands to hips lips, placing kisses on the back.

"You know how much I love you right?" I nodded, a cheesy smile spread across my face.

"I love you more baby." he shakes his head letting go of my hand. He stands up from his place, getting down on his left knee. My eyes go wide and tears threaten to spill. Is this really happening?

"Maggie Nicole Stell, I knew I met the girl of my dreams when I saw you with that red slurpee in your hair. Yea it's usually the first time you seem them but it's different when I look at you. You were pissed but there was so much lust in your eyes. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, everything about you in that moment made me realize I wanted you to be mine. We've had a few rough patches but we got through them, together. I can't live this life without you Mags. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Rich or poor. Happy or sad. It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you."
Tears rolled down my face as his sweet words flew out his mouth. I held my hand against my mouth in shock.

"Maggie Nicole Stell, will you marry me?"

Sorry it took so long fam. It was hard to write a chapter after the previous one. I'm currently writing TONS of new books and I'm really excited so be ready. Oh and btw it's a cliffhanger if you didn't notice lol. She might say no but idk, you never know. Love you guys. AND WHEN U GUYS COMMENT IT INSPIRES ME TO WRITE MORE AND WHEN YOU VOTE.


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