Chapter 42

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Today was the day I leave for college before school starts for me. That also means I have to leave Sam. I was getting ready to go to the airport. I had on my white skinny jeans, Sam's red westside sweatshirt, and my black vans. My hair was in a messy bun and I decided no makeup. I grabbed the remaining stuff I had left at Omaha that I didn't take to Mahogany's house that day. Sam was helping out bringing the big boxes to the car. We finished the load and it was time to say goodbye to my four wonderful friends. "Call me when u can" Maya cried into Sam's sweatshirt that I was wearing. "I promise I will" I hugged her back. I moved on to Jack and Jack. "Remember to call me when u both get famous as fuck" I laugh hugging them both tightly. "We will. We'll see each other soon" They both kiss my cheeks, I smile weakly at them. Lastly I move on to Sam. The love of my life. The one that never cries is crying before me. I decided to let it all out. All my tears I've been holding back for the past three months. "I'll call u everyday" He wiped the tears from under my eyes, "U better" I cry into his shirt. He lifts up my chin with his index finger and places a kiss on my lips. He pulls away and I press my lips against his once more but with more force. He slips his tongue in my mouth exploring it with mine. His hands move from my waist to my ass giving it a squeeze. I run my fingers through his hair tugging it slightly causing him to groan a little. We pulled away slowly before our lips lost contact. "I love you," I whispered. "I love you too." He said placing on last kiss on my lips. I break away from his hold walking backwards towards my car. "Bye guys" I blew a kiss to my four amazing friends I made at Westside. Of course I had more but these we're the best. The ones that've been here for me since day 1. And one of them turned out to be the love of my life, the one I hated turned out to be the one I loved and it was all because I was the New Girl.
{{2 years later}}

"Great shoot today Maggie. Absolutely sexy" the photographer smiled. I thanked him, changing out my clothes before walking to my friend Kenzie's car.

I was in my second year of college and everything was going great. I had great friends, great teachers, and great classes and to top it off, a career in modeling. Unfortunately Sam and I broke up the end of last year because of distance. We haven't talked since and the only people I stay in contact with are the Jack's and Maya. I missed him and I'm still in love with him and I always will be. "Maggie let's go street shopping" Kenzie called. "Okay, gimme a sec" I told her. Kenzie has became one of my bestfriends since last year and she's like a sister. She threw me an amazing 20th birthday party that I'll never forget considering I woke up with money in my bra. 

"Let's go" I told her us both walking out our dorm. When we were out the door the fresh air hit us and the sun was shining bright. "Wat should we buy" I ask her scanning the items around us. "Something for the room," she says. I was looking at the cute rugs that matched our room. I bought one that was purple and shaped in a heart. I thanked the man and began walking back to Kenzie but as soon as I looked up I saw someone I wasn't hoping to see. "Oh my god..."

{{A/N: double update and btw the story isn't over lol. Oh and cliffhanger sorry guys, Have a Happy New Year guys ily!"

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